Monday, May 17, 2010

History is No Mystery With Guest Blogger: Maeve Alpin

Join Us Today to discuss the Steampunk Romance As Timeless As Stone by Maeve Alpin!

Enter to win a Steampunk Necklace! (ooh! aah!)

In a day dream I had, a missing head was placed back on the neck of a statue which then came to life. I thought now there’s the beginning of a story and As Timeless As Stone was born.

I love history and I often include historical figures in my work, As Timeless As Stone is no exception. The key secondary character is none other than the founder of Scientific Egyptology, Jean François Champollion, who is best known for his work on deciphering the Rosetta stone. He was also a loving father and husband and I included his wife Rosine Blanc and his daughter Zoraide as well. I am thrilled to bring them from the pages of history and place them in my story. Of course I love my handsome Parisian, Egyptologist hero and my ancient Egyptian priestess heroine even more. The purpose of this fun filled fantasy is to sweep you away from the cares and woes of the real world as you share Seshat and Ricard’s rousing adventure spanning Ancient Egypt to 1830’s Parris.

Here is the blurb for my first Steampunk Romance, As Timeless as Stone, which will be released TODAY May 17th:

Though society stands in their way, can love transcend time with the aid of robotics and ritual?

In peril for her life, the Priestess Seshat turns herself to stone in ancient Egypt. Centuries later, Ricard, a dashing nineteenth century Frenchman, repairs a broken statue and reads its incantation--unprepared for the gorgeous flesh and blood woman who steps forth.

Seshat is drawn to the brass robots Ricard creates and the glamour of the Victorian age, and most of all to Ricard himself. But the society of his day cannot accept a woman like her.

How far will Ricard go to secure her happiness? Is their love strong enough to transcend time itself?

And here's and Excerpt

Ricard stepped back as his gaze devoured the entire woman, though stiff and lifeless. The stone looked like lush, sun-warmed skin. Her oval face was dark and delicate, with full, rosy lips. He admired her long lithe body, clad in a sheer, white, sleeveless dress, held up only by two delicate linen shoulder straps. He longed to roam his fingers and lips over her high perched breast and the thin waist which flared into curved hips and lithe thighs. Then, down to her pretty legs and her slender feet garbed in white papyrus sandals, of the station she depicted, an Egyptian priestess of the Middle Kingdom. He drank in her beauty, then he noticed the ornament lying in the valley between her breasts, a thick ankh of gold hung from a chain. His fingers absently tried to grab hold of the necklace but it was only part of the statue, no matter how real it seemed.

"What is this?" He looked at the plaque in the statue's stone hands, held beneath the ankh. The last hieroglyphic depicted the symbol for life, an ankh, held up to the woman's nose. Ricard read it silently, sounding it out, Nce xarp wt pwwne Ab etoot abrem... Toujo Abrem etoot pwwne ab... xarp wt au ai ankh qe, and translated it under his breath. "God Horus, as you turned my flesh to stone... God Horus, save me, make me whole...change my stone to flesh...give me the nose breath of life, once more."

The room vibrated and an unnatural wind swirled within. Ricard's hair stood on end, but he could not tear his eyes away from the statue. He grabbed the ankh, and this time it gave way, lifting from the statue's chest. The curiosity that drove him as a scientist, as an Egyptologist, caught hold and as strange as this all seemed, he felt he had come this far, he had to see it through. Laying the ankh against the statue's small nose, Ricard acted out the last hieroglyphic on the plaque.

He shuddered at the sound of a gush of breath. A flash of light struck inside the room. The shock knocked the breath out of him. The statue moved, but she wasn't stone anymore.

Jean François gasped and stepped back.

Ricard couldn't move. It's a living, breathing woman. He dropped the ankh and it fell against her chest, which now rose and fell with heaving breaths. Ricard managed to step back on shaky legs. He gaped at her, unable to think or speak.


The priestess shrieked. Her brown eyes glowed with anger. "Come near me you Hyksos cobra, and you will die!" she warned in Old Egyptian.

Note from the Book Boost: Maeve, this sounds absolutely amazing. I'm going to have to pick up a copy of this myself. Thank you so much for joining us. Everyone, please find the contest details below and find out where you can pick up your copy TODAY!

Be Sure to Visit Maeve here!


To be eligible to win the gorgeous Steampunk necklace from Maeve, just leave a question or comment for her here. All winners will be selected on Friday and posted in the Recent Winners block on the right hand column of the blog! Good Luck!


cornelia amiri said...

Hello everyone,

This is Maeve Alpin. I'm so glad to be here today to announce the release of my new Steampunk/Romance As Timeless As Stone. For a chance to win the Steampunk necklace, please post comments and any questions you'd like to ask.


Maeve Alpin

cornelia amiri said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kelly A. Harmon said...

I love the premise of this story. Sounds like a good read!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great read. Very interesting. Best wishes on your release.

Beth Caudill said...

This sounds really interesting. Congrats on the release.

I can't wait to see how hero deals with his priestess.

kazul said...

I've been a fan of steampunk for years and am happy to see it being re-discovered and re-imagined in so many ways.
Do you have any favorite steampunk authors whos ranks you now join?

Julie Shumway said...

Maeve, your story sounds intriguing. Congratulations on its release.

debb said...

I haven't read very much steampunk but I am starting to love it. Do you have a newsletter? If so I would love to join it.
Debby C

Green Orchid said...

I'm not familiar with what steampunk is but it sounds like a really good book I want to know where they will end up living in his world or hers or is it impossible for her to even go back to her time? Congratulations on your release of Timeless As Stone

Suzanne Johnson said...

What an amazing idea--can't wait to read it!

Chicks of Characterization said...

This sounds like a interesting read!Congratulations on your release!!!



cornelia amiri said...

Dear Kazul,

Thank you for your interest. So nice to see Steampunk fans posting here. I love Steampunk as well. You asked if I have any favorite steampunk authors whose ranks I now join?

I loved Cherie Priest's Boneshaker and I recommend it to everyone. I also liked Crimson & Steam by Liz Maverick, Steamed by Katie MacAlister, New Blood by Gail Dayton, and Soulless by Gail Carriger, just to name a few.

Meljprincess said...

Hello Maeve/Cornelia,
I am a punk, I enjoy reading Steampunk, and I LOVE Egyptian culture. I have an ankh tattooed on my right index finger. I'd love to travel to Egypt one day. Have you been there? I enjoyed the blurb and excerpt and want to read the rest of the story. This book is right up my alley! :-)
Great day dream, btw.

Meljprincess AT aol DOT com

cornelia amiri said...

Dear Kelly, Jo Ann, and Beth, thank you so much. I’m so glad you like the premise and find the story interesting. I appreciate that so much. Its wonderful fans like you that make this all worthwhile.

cornelia amiri said...

Dear Freedom Writer, thank you so much. I’m so glad the story intrigues you. I really appreciate the congrats. Thank you.

cornelia amiri said...

Dear Debby,

I am new to steampunk as well I just started reading it about a year ago. Though The Wild Wild West was one of my favorite shows as a kid. I know that statement dates me. LOL

I do have a monthly yahoo newsletter under the other name I write by, Cornelia Amiri, as the CelticRomanceQueen. I have a monthly contest on it and draw one winner for a prize each month. For May I’m giving away an ankh necklace. All you need to do to enter that newsletter contest is to subscribe to the yahoo newsletter at Thanks so much.

Anonymous said...

I loved Boneshaker, too. It made me a fan of steampunk. With some Egyptology thrown in, this sounds like a great read.

cornelia amiri said...

Dear Green Orchid,

Thank you so much for your comment. Everything I write is very cross genre. It's part of my writer’s voice. So you don't have to know what steampunk is at all to enjoy this book. You can call it a time travel romance and that would work just as well. At the very end of the story you'll find out where Seshat and Ricard end up. I think you'll be very pleased with the outcome.
Steampunk is a fantasy/sci-fi genre that is a type of alternate history based on the idea that the industrial age and the technological age happen together. It's written in the spirit of H. G. Wells and Jules Verne. If you ever watched the Wild Wild West TV show or the movie - that's steampunk. For the most part it's set during the Victorian Age, sometimes in the wild west. You can have magic and paranormal elements and most of the Steampunk/Romances coming out do, but you don't have to. I find it an incredibly fun genre to write.

cornelia amiri said...

Dear Suzanne and Dear Andrea,

Thank you so much. I'm so glad you liked the idea of As Timeless AS Stone. I'm so happy it sounds like an interesting read. And thanks so much for the congrats on my release.


Maeve Alpin

cornelia amiri said...

Dear Meljprincess,

I'm so glad you like both steampunk and Egyptian culture. I think you'll enjoy As Timeless As Stone. I love ancient cultures and Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and Celtic are my favorites. Here's a link to an Egyptian/Steampunk drawing that I love. You may have already seen it but I think you'll like it.

Thanks so much,
Maeve Alpin

cornelia amiri said...

Dear Sonya,

Wasn't Boneshaker incredible? Such a fun read. The heroine of Boneshaker is one of my all time favorites. It made me a fan of steampunk too. I tell everyone they should read it. One of the things I love best about steampunk is you can throw in a little of this and that, in this case Egyptology. With Boneshaker - zombies and airships in the Wild West among lots of other complications and happenings. Why not? That's one of the fun things about Steampunk.


Maeve Alpin

Heather D said...

Hi Maeve (Cornelia)!

Great to meet you again this past weekend. This new work sounds exciting. I haven't read much steampunk, but it'll definitely be something I recommend to the patrons.

Is there any particular incident that fueled your interest in Egyptology?

Jennifer Mathis said...

oh congrats on the release! The book sounds wonderful. Do you have anything else upcoming?

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! This looks excellently researched and I luuuuuurv ancient Egyptian things! Count me in for picking up a copy too!

cornelia amiri said...

Hi Heather,

It was so nice to meet you at the Houston Highland Games. Thanks for dropping by my guest blog spot today. You asked, is there any particular incident that fueled your interest in Egyptology? I love ancient history so I consider Jean Francois Champollion a hero, he's attributed with translating the Rosetta stone. He was the first conservator of the Egyptian collection of the Louvre. So when I had a day dream about a headless statue that comes to life when the head is put back on, I decided if I made it an Egyptian statue I could bring Jean François Champollion and the Louvre into the story, so I did.


Maeve Alpin

cornelia amiri said...

Dear Jennifer Mathis,

Thank you so much for congrats on the release and thank you for your kind words about the book. I'm working on another Steampunk/Romance and under Cornelia Amiri, I have a Celtic/Romance novel coming out June 7th, Druid Bride, set in 1st century Scotland when the Caledonii fought the Romans.


Maeve Alpin

cornelia amiri said...

Dear Nicole,

I love Egyptian things also.
Thank you so much for the kind words aobout how the book looks excellently researched. I appreciate it.

Thanks so much,

Maeve Alpin

Unknown said...

Very exciting! I can't wait to read the whole book. I love the romance and dignity of Steampunk. Thanks for the excerpt.

Tilly said...

I love steampunk and also the whole era (Victoriana), cant wait to read this x

Stacey Smith said...

sounds like a wild fun read. Time travel types are so cool people from two different time meeting together.


Mindy said...

Hi Cornelia/Maeve :)
Congrats the release of Timeless As Stone. I LOVE the excerpt!
I'm fairly new to Steampunk genre but I think I'm going to like the time travel aspects of it. Will Timeless As Stone be part of a series?
Can't wait to pick up a copy of it.

Mindy :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the release of your first Steampunk, as it sounds like an amazing premise. Can't wait to read it. I adore the Victorian era, and anything to do with it, but must admit I hadn't thought about stretching Steampunk across quite so many genres as you do. How do you manage to juggle them all? Does it take serious plotting to pull all those threads together eg Egyptoglogy, fantasy, time-travel? Or do you tend to go with the flow and let it all happen more naturally?

SiNn said...

congrats on your new release sounds awesome! But your work is fabulous anyways so congrats for sure are deserves since steampunk is a relativly new genera do you think thats why its takeing off like a storm I sure hope it stays and will continue to buy so it does stay

Pat Cochran said...

Happy Release Day! Congratulations
on what sounds like a great story!
I've never read steampunk, can you
suggest a good book with which to
begin this new reading interest?

Pat Cochran

Martha Lawson said...

Congrats on the new release! Sounds like an interesting book. I've never read steampunk before, but I will check this one out!! Please enter me for the necklace.

Amy J Ramsey said...

This sounds totally awesome!

Amy Ramsey

catslady said...

I've never heard of the term steampunk but it sounds like an exciting read. Could you explain the definition of steampunk? The book sounds like a time travel which I really enjoy. Thanks.

Linda Andrews said...

What a great excerpt. I love Egypt this is definitely going on my TBR pile.

wanda f said...

Yum this book is a definate must read for me

cornelia amiri said...

Hi Kathi,

Thanks for the kind words. It's always great to meet a Steampunk fan.


Maeve Alpin

cornelia amiri said...

Dear Tilly,

It so nice to meet a lover of the Victorian era and a Steampunk fan. Thank you so much.


Maeve Alpin

cornelia amiri said...

Hi Stacey,

I know what you mean about time travel romances, I love them too. I think you will find As Timeless As Stone a wild fun read. Thank you so much.

Happy Reading ,

Maeve Alpin

cornelia amiri said...

Dear Mindy,

Thanks so much for the congrats on my new release. I appreciate it. I'm so glad you like the excerpt, even if you are new to Steampunk, if you like time travel romances then you'll like As Timeless As Stone, just think of it as a Time Travel with some quaint bumbling brass robots thrown in. LOL.
I don't plan on a series for it but with the way it ends, I could write a sequel. We'll see.

cornelia amiri said...

Hi Suzilove,

Thank you for the congrats on my first Steampunk/Romance. I'm so glad you like the premise. I appreciate the kind words. It's nice to meet another fan of the Victorian era. You asked, how do I manage to juggle all the cross genres I use in one book and if it takes serious plotting to pull all those threads together eg Egyptology, fantasy, time-travel? Or do I tend to go with the flow and let it all happen more naturally? It's part of my author voice. It just blends together for me. My Celtic/Romances are very cross genre as well. It's just the way I think, I guess. LOL

Thank you so much,

Maeve Alpin

cornelia amiri said...

Hi SiNn,

Thank you for the congrats on my new release. Thank you so much for the kind words and praise. That means so much to me. You asked, since steampunk is a relatively new genera do I think that’s why it’s taking off like a storm and you said you sure hope it stays and you will continue to buy so it does stay. Thank you for buying it because as long as people buy the books the genre will stay around but it's hard to say how many people will love it and want it. It could be a large group or a small group, I don't really know. As you know having something new and different appeals to people but if the genre gives the reader something a bit different that they really like that they can't get from other genres the readers will stay loyal to it. The way Steampunk has become a way of fashion, and gadgetry, and building things, and already has its own conventions looks hopeful that it will be around for a long while, the fans that love it, really love it. And it's new to the Romance genre but I think the genres of Romance and Steampunk are a wonderful marriage of genres. I hope that more and more people start reading it. I think they'll like it. I also hope they’ll make more Steampunk/Victorian fashions because I love them. I like lacy blouses with big sleeves and I’m crazy about the goggles LOL.


Maeve Alpin

cornelia amiri said...

Dear Pat,

Thanks for the congrats and the kind words. For a great Steampunk read, I would suggest Boneshaker by Cherie Priest. It is my absolute favorite Steampunk book to date. Soulless by Gail Carriger is also very good.


Maeve Alpin

cornelia amiri said...

Dear Martha,

Thanks so much for the congrats on my new release and thanks for the kind words. I appreciate it. You and everyone who posted comments are definitly entered in the drawing for the Steampunk necklace. Best of luck to each of you.

Thanks so much,

Maeve Alpin

She said...

I saw the trailer for this book. It looked really good. Another one for the TBR pile.

cornelia amiri said...

Dear Amy,

Thank you for the kind words, I appreciate it so much.


Maeve Alpin

cornelia amiri said...

Hi catslady,

The Time Travel genre fits As Timeless as Stone, so you don't have to know what steampunk is at all to enjoy this book. You can call it a time travel romance and that would work just as well. But Steampunk is a fantasy/sci-fi genre that is a type of alternate history based on the idea that the industrial age and the technological age happen together. It's written in the spirit of H. G. Wells and Jules Verne. If you ever watched the Wild Wild West TV show or the movie - that's steampunk. For the most part it's set during the Victorian Age, sometimes in the wild west. You can have magic and paranormal elements and most of the Steampunk/Romances coming out do, but you don't have to. I find it an incredibly fun genre to write.


Maeve Alpin

cornelia amiri said...

Dear Linda,

Thank you for the kind words. I'm so glad you liked the excerpt.


Maeve Alpin

cornelia amiri said...

Hi Wanda,

Thank you so much Wanda. I appreciate it.


Maeve Alpin

Diane Pollock said...

I am unfamiliar with steampunk...could you give a quick definition?

Unknown said...

Well, your story sounds like it will be a great read! I can't wait to read more.
But What is steampunk ?
Congrats on your release !! :)
Warmest wishes

Sandra Cox said...

Maeve, this sounds great.

cornelia amiri said...

Hi Susie,

Thanks for the kind words. You asked what Steampunk is, well you don't have to know what steampunk is at all to enjoy this book. You can call it a time travel romance and that would work just as well. But Steampunk is a fantasy/sci-fi genre that is a type of alternate history based on the idea that the industrial age and the technological age happen together. It's written in the spirit of H. G. Wells and Jules Verne. If you ever watched the Wild Wild West TV show or the movie - that's steampunk. For the most part it's set during the Victorian Age, sometimes in the wild west. You can have magic and paranormal elements and most of the Steampunk/Romances coming out do, but you don't have to. I find it an incredibly fun genre to write.

cornelia amiri said...

Dear Diane,

The Time Travel genre fits As Timeless as Stone, so you don't have to know what steampunk is at all to enjoy this book. You can call it a time travel romance and that would work just as well. But Steampunk is a fantasy/sci-fi genre that is a type of alternate history based on the idea that the industrial age and the technological age happen together. It's written in the spirit of H. G. Wells and Jules Verne. If you ever watched the Wild Wild West TV show or the movie - that's steampunk. For the most part it's set during the Victorian Age, sometimes in the wild west. You can have magic and paranormal elements and most of the Steampunk/Romances coming out do, but you don't have to. I find it an incredibly fun genre to write.


Maeve Alpin

Meljprincess said...

Hi Maeve,
I'd never seen that picture before. Love it! The outfit is very cool and the colors are fantastic. Reminds me of some of the stuff I wore in the 80s. :-)
Thanks for sharing!

Meljprincess AT aol DOT com

PS. I love all things Celtic too!

cornelia amiri said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
susan said...

Love the excerpt and sure the rest of the book will glue me to my chair. I love this style. Thanks for sharing and hope to see more like this. susan L.

catslady said...

Thanks for the explanation. It sounds like an exciting genre and something I would really enjoy. I loved Wild Wild West :)

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed the snippet of your new book. I have always been fasinated by Rome and Pompeii and the statues unearthed. This sounds to be a great cross between history and mythology.