Honestly, The Book Boost won this shiny green blog badge award back in January but it is better late than never accepting the award, eh?
Anyway, thanks to my friend and extremely talented author Bobbye Terry (http://bobbyeterry.blogspot.com/) for the award.
To accept the award, I must complete this list:
1) Share 7 things about myself (How bout 7 things about the Book Boost? See below.);
2) Pass this award on to 15 other bloggers recently discovered (I'll pick 15 of my fave guests. See below.);
3) Notify the recipients (Uh oh, I'll zing them a message momentarily and then hide under a rock!); and
4) Link the blogger who gave this award (Done, see above!).
Seven things about myself (The Book Boost Blog):
1) Originally founded on November 1, 2009 as a website versus a blog. Converted to a blog on February 21, 2010.
2) Our first guest was author Kaylin McFarren.
3) Our 1st Annual Book Boost Blogger of the Year Award went to Maya Jax.
4) This post will be our 249th blog post!
5) Entangled Publishing is our first official publisher account! Welcome to the Boost!
6) Our most recent guest was the lovely and talented Kris Kennedy.
7) One of the guests coming this summer that I'm most looking forward to is...Susan Mallery on July 27th!
Here are some of my fave bloggers from the Boost (of whom I've checked out and enjoyed their blogs) and whom I now nominate for the same illustrious Virtual Blogger Award. Should they choose to accept, they'll need to complete the same steps above. Either way, here are my 15 nominations along with the reason why I chose them:
1) Arianna @ http://ariannaskye.com/blog/
(Thank you for what you're doing for JDRF!)
2) Suzanne @ http://suzanne-johnson.blogspot.com/
(Happy belated Birthday!)
3) Heather @ http://www.heatherkuehl.blogspot.com/
(She's perfectly Paranormal!)
4) Cate @ http://catemasters.blogspot.com/
(Cause she's just cool Cate!)
5) Keena @ http://www.typosandall.com/
(I'm just keen on her!)
6) Natalie @ http://www.emmyellis.blogspot.com/
(Miss U my witty wanton woman!)
7) Dominique @ http://aspiringromancewriters.webs.com/
(Me likey your blog!)
8) Lisa @ http://lisakessler.wordpress.com/
(Just lovable Lisa!)
9) Dawn @ http://www.dawntheauthor.blogspot.com/
(My Bayou Babe!)
10) Kim @ http://kimbowmanauthor.blogspot.com/
(Huge talent--on her way up!)
11) Caroline @ http://www.carolineclemmons.com/
(Simply Inspires me!)
12) Sharon @ http://sharonhamiltonauthor.blogspot.com/
(Hard Working & a Dear!)
13) Therese @ http://theresegilardi.wordpress.com/
(I like her style!)
14) Rachel @ http://www.rachelfirasek.com/apps/blog/
(One smart & generous cookie!)
15) Christine @ http://christine-ashworth.com/
(Proud to call her a friend!)
That's all folks!
Versatiley Yours,
Kerri Nelson
Owner, The Book Boost
Thanks for the nomination, Kerri. JDRF is a great cause. And even though my friend no longer works for the company that sponsors the auction, I am still going to try and donate some items.
Awww thanks for the nomination Kerri!!!! *HUGS* :)
And I'm so okay with being loveable! LOL
And I'm a geek about blog awards... fun!
Lisa :)
That is so sweet of you to nominate me along with some awesome bloggers/writers out there.(waving hello to all the other nominees)
Thanks so much!
Dawn (Bayou babe) lol
I'm so honored, Kerri:) Thank you so much. SQUEE!!!
Kerri, thanks for mentioning me and passing on the award. I'm honored. Thank you.
thank you so much kerri! i adore "the book boost" and am honored to have been your guest. best, therese
Wow! Very honored to be mentioned here. Thanks so much, Kerri. For as hard as you work, to be called hard working is saying something!
Thrilled. Lavender bubble baths to you...
Thanks so much Kerri! I always wanted to be one of the cool kids. :) I'm grateful and honored.
Like everyone else said thank you so much that is very sweet and I ams so glad you like the Aspiring Romance Writers blog :) Because I really love the Books Boost.
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