Meet Entangled author Boone Brux today at the Boost and win Resurrection Coffee and more!
I recently chatting with my evil twin (ha ha) Boone Brux and here's what she had to say...
TBB: Welcome to the Boost, my lovely. I miss chatting with you every single day but now that you're rich and famous and all that...
BB: Thanks so much for having me on Book Boost, Kerri. It only seems fitting that my first ever author interview should be with you, my first blog partner. *Sniff-sniff* I’m a little sentimental.
TBB: Awe. Well, I knew way back then that you'd be successful. I could feel it. You are super talented and I knew this day was coming. Please tell us your latest news.
BB: My debut novel, Resurrection, comes out August 5th from Entangled Publishing. Yay! So excited. I’m getting ready to head to NYC for the RWA Nationals and will return home to pound out book two of my Bringer and the Bane series.
I signed a three book deal with Entangled Publishing, thank you very much Heather Howland and Liz Pelletier. Now I’m gearing up to start promoting it, which is a new and horrifying experience for me.
You hear all about needing thick skin to be a writer, but they fail to mention that you also need to be a fearless socializer. If the subject is inane, like how Chris Hemsworth, from Thor, is my new imaginary boyfriend, then no problem. But having to sell myself and something personal like a book is tough for me.
TBB: I'm so excited for you! CONGRATS! Wish I could join you in NYC this year--loved spending time with you in Orlando last year. But, alas, I must miss this year's event. Have a little fun for me, won't you? I know you'll do fine with the promotion cause you're just that kind of gal. Tell us, when and why did you begin writing?
BB: Resurrection was the first book I ever wrote—again, and again, and again. I think the story went through four complete story transformations. It started out as a historical. Now it’s a dark paranormal. I don’t recommend doing this. It took me nine years to finish.
I began seriously writing about nine years ago when my twins started moving and talking. I used to be an artist, but they kept touching all my stuff with their freaky gadget hands that extended well beyond their normal reach, so I switched to writing. And they talked—on and on, in stereo, all day long. We also lived in bush Alaska, no roads in or out, so my socializing was limited. To save my sanity, we decided I should locked myself in the bedroom every Sunday and write for four hours.
I still write on Sunday mornings, but now I have a real office.
TBB: LOL. I can so relate on the kid thing. I've had to learn to write to the tune of chatter and Disney playlists. Shiver. Tell us about your current projects.
BB: I’m currently working on Redemption, book two of the series. It’s Luc and Jade’s story. I’m having fun with this one. It’s still dark, but they are definitely funnier than Rhys and Ravyn. Luc and Jade don’t like each other very much. Always interesting for a romance.
I’m also a contributor in a new ezine called Digital Digest, launching in July. We do book reviews, original fiction of all kinds, and a variety of things. We’re still testing the waters with ideas. It’s such a diverse group of writers; I think we’ll have a neat mix.
On my naughty side, I’m a regular contributor to Everything Erotic. I write as Jaxon Vail, with another group of amazing authors.
TBB: I know all about that talent over at Digital Digest and Everything Erotic. Miss you guys. Sniffle. I simply cannot wait to get my hands on a copy of your books. I've read a little taste Resurrection (think I judged it in a contest once). Then you left me hanging. Double sigh.
Just for fun, if you had to pick a celebrity to play you in a movie, who would it be and why?
BB: Goldie Hawn.
I’m like the Mrs. Magoo of life. If I’m eating something there’s a 75% chance I’m going to drop it down the front of my shirt. I will trip over painted lines. Everything’s a joke, which is not always appreciated by my friends. Kate Hudson could play my younger years, though I must admit, I never looked that good.
TBB: Oh, I totally remember a little "wallet" incident last summer in Orlando! Poor Boone. I feel your pain. But as a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
BB: A mermaid. There was never any other career choice for me. Damn these weak lungs.
TBB: I could totally see this. Look out sailors...here she comes! What is your biggest pet peeve?
BB: Drama and whining. I decided a long time ago to pick mentally healthy friends. I can’t handle energy vampires who drain me of my good mood. I’m too emotionally driven and have a tendency to dive into the pity pool too.
Don’t get me wrong, I love to bitch as much as the next person, but there’s a difference between being pissed about something and living in a world of half empty glasses. I’ve had to break off relationships because of negativity. It was sad at the time, but let’s just say, they will be reoccurring characters in my next series. See, lemonade out of lemons.
TBB: If you had to describe this book using ONLY ONE word, what would it be?
BB: Riveting!!!
TBB: What was your first reaction when you found out that you were going to be published?
BB: “Really? Why?” (Let me again mention my lack of personal promotion skills.)
TBB: What is your favorite breakfast food?
BB: Fettuccini Alfredo and Mountain Dew. Don’t judge.
TBB: I had to read that answer twice. Oy! LOL What author (dead or alive) would you most like to meet & have lunch with?
BB: Hands down, J.K. Rowlings. She was a huge inspiration to me and renewed my love for YA. Plus I’m pretty sure we’d be best friends if she met me.
TBB: I have no doubt. Cause I've had lunch with you and you're just plain awesome. Thanks for joining me today and I'm honored to have conducted your first interview. Hope you'll come back and promote your book here in August and onward. How about a blurb and excerpt before you go?

Protecting humans is the Bringers’ duty. Sending demons to the Shadow World is their pleasure.
In one night, Ravyn’s life plunges from barely tolerable to deadly. Forced to flee the only home she’s ever known, Ravyn stumbles headlong into the clutches of a powerful demon intent on stealing her powers. Unfortunately for him, she has no intention of cooperating.
When Rhys realizes the woman he rescued from the Demon Bane is no mere human, his obligation as a Bringer dictates he protect and train her in the ways of his people. But he’s unprepared for the intense desire he feels for the fiery Ravyn. To surrender to his need may mean her death.
As the Demon Bane threat escalates, igniting terror and chaos across the realm, Rhys and Ravyn must embark on a perilous journey to unite the last of the Bringers–and explore a passion too powerful to ignore.
Blackness bled around the edges of the door, reaching for Ravyn.
The Sisters sealed the chapel after evening prayers, but as she shoved against it, the door yielded to her push. Evil had a way of unlocking what should be locked, or unbinding what should be bound.
She grimaced when the groan of the old hinges announced her entry. The sound echoed through the chapel, leaving her exposed. Her heart raced as it always did when she entered the hallowed chamber. The biting against her arms increased.
Torches burned in their sconces. Odd, considering the Sisters were fanatical about snuffing out the chapel torches before they retired each evening. She started forward and glanced at the altar. The carved and still faces of The Sainted Ones scowled down at her.
“Good evening, gentlemen.”
Unlike the claims of many abbey parishioners, The Saints never spoke to her. Their sightless eyes pierced her insignificant soul, finding her worthiness to live in such a holy place severely lacking. Their condemnatory glares followed her as she drifted deeper into the chapel.
She scanned the shadows and let her senses broaden and seep into the darkest recesses. Madness and the taint of evil seethed at the edges of the light. Her search tracked along the darkness, coming to rest on a crumpled body between the benches.
She gasped. “Angela.”
Sweet and naïve, and ready to believe in the good of others—that was Angela. Ravyn caught up her skirt and ran, the need to protect her friend blotting out the danger.
“Angela.” She dropped to her hands and knees and gathered her friend’s soiled and drenched body in her arms. “Angela!”
Blackness crashed into her, crushing the breath from her. Unable to hold on, she released the body. Her stomach twisted with tight coils of pain. The blackness choked and smothered her as she clawed at the stones of the floor in an attempt to escape.
Air. She needed air.
A brutal hand seized her hair and yanked. She tipped backward, but sharp knees drove deep into her spine. Wetness spattered her face. Please don’t let that be blood. Her hands pawed her cheeks as she frantically brushed the droplets from her face.
Brother Powell towered above her, hair dripping with rain and lips twisted in a contemptuous smile. Before she could scream, he jerked her head at a painful angle and wrapped his hand around her throat.
“Well, well, well. Look who’s come to save the day. I’m afraid you’re too late to be of any help to Angela. And just to let you know,” he whispered in her ear, “she died an incredibly painful death.”
Shadows darkened the edges of her vision as the foul stench of his breath assaulted her. He shouldn’t be this close. He should never be this close.
Want More Boone?
Visit her website here: http://www.boonebrux.com/
Follow her on Twitter here: http://twitter.com/#!/boonebrux
Watch for her debut release coming soon! Click here.
Visit her website here: http://www.boonebrux.com/
Follow her on Twitter here: http://twitter.com/#!/boonebrux
Watch for her debut release coming soon! Click here.
Contest Time:
In honor of her debut release, Boone is giving away two bags of Raven’s Brew coffee. From her home state of Alaska, this company has the grooviest coffee ever made.
Resurrection Coffee – In constant quest for the supreme bean.
Dead Man’s Reach Coffee- Served in bed, Raises the dead.
Plus a beaded leather Resurrection book thong.
Leave a question or comment for Boone to enter!
**Winners for Book Boost prizes are drawn the first week of the following month and posted in the Recent Winners box in the right hand side of the blog. Check back to see if you are a winner and to claim your prize! Please leave your contact information in your blog post!**
Awesome interview, Boone!
"I’m like the Mrs. Magoo of life."
Best. Line. Ever. :D Can't wait to read RESURRECTION!
Boone, I re-wrote my first book 4xS too! I knew I liked you. :)
Jus:Thanks so much. I'm seriously waiting for your book!
Rachel: I don't feel so alone anymore.:) Thanks for dropping in. {{Hugs}}
Hi Boone! I also rewrote my debut novel multiple times, all the while being prodded in the butt with hot pokers by my crit readers! ;-)
Best of luck with promotion!
ROTFL! I decided that instead of being a self-conscious wallflower at RWA events, my icebreaker would be "Chris Hemsworth as Thor, hottest man on the planet. Where do you stand?" :)
Looking forward to your book!
Looks like I'm in good company with the multiple rewrites, Sarah:)
OMG, Natalie, Chris Hemsworth is truly a god. Uhhh, and my boyfriend,.
Fantastic interview, Boone! I certianly won't judge you since I eat ding dongs and drink coke for breakfast. I'm so excited to read Resurrection!
Love, love, love ding dongs. Your a girl after my own heart, Shea.
Great interview, Boone!! As someone who witnessed bits of the 4x, take it from me, everyone ... you have to read this book! It's awesome. Congratulations, Boone, you deserve every bit of your success!
Boone, Boone, Boone. Mrs. Magoo? I lmao'd but I see you much more as a female Bill Cosby -- your life stories could teach nations. I also have to join the Ding Dongs fan club. Ding Dongs feature very prominently in my WIP -- my hero and heroine play poker for Ding Dongs in the first chapter.
I hope you're catching up on your sleep because I intend to keep you awake catching up all night. But I won't tell anyone we're sleeping together - that would just be invasive.
Great interview. Love ya!!
Hey, that interview sounds just like you! Looking forward to your coming out party :)
Ah, my beautiful Crit Whores, who received a well deserved acknowledgment in Resurrection. Thanks Jennifer, Liz, and Morgan. We can all breathe a sigh of relief at not having to read another sentence of Resurrection unless we want to. Which of course we do.
Love you guys!
Hilarious interview, Boone - what a trip!
Speaking of trips, have a great one to NYC Nationals (and take lots of 'blackmail' pictures to bring home :o)
Can't wait for 'Resurrection' to come out in Aug - congrats! You deserve it.
---Jae Awkins
Great interview- How did I not know you have twins? OMG So how old are they now 10-11?
I couldn't imagine little ones times 2- all 3 of my kids are 7 to almost 8 years apart so I only had one little person at a time though my youngest who is now five has enough energy to be 3 or 4 kids- he can't even sit down to eat. (so yes I have a 5 , 12 and 19 year old)
(BTW- I've learned to write to disney cartoons too and nick jr. I know Blue's Clues songs by heart and every time someone says mail I start singing the mail song or if someone says something about yummy I hear Yo Gabba Gabba "there's a party in my tummy so yummy.." in my head.
Writing moms, its amazing we get anything done let alone actually finish writing a novel or many novels.
LOL Roxanne, my kids are now 12 and almost 16 so they're way past the kid music, but I made fruit salad today and Number One says she can never hear those words without singing "fruit salad...yummy yummy" (from The Wiggles). And neither can I! :)
Boone, Great interview, you are too funny. And can I just say that you do the personal promotion stuff pretty darn well. Now, enjoy RWA and crack the whip on the next book.
I knew about the Ding Dongs, but I didn't realize you enjoyed fettuccine Alfredo for breakfast as well as lunch and dinner. And here I thought I knew you - lol! Can't wait for the release of Resurrection. Love me that hero, Rhys - yum yum.
Mothers are my heros. Single mothers are freakin' goddesses. Dora the Explorer was the whole reason I started writing. Some can blame their insanity on Barney. For me it was Dora.
Holy crap, Roxanne, 5, 12, and 19, that's amazing. The first year my girls were born our water froze for three months. Luckily I was in that weird new mother euphoria, exhausted from sleep, happy they were healthy. I don't remember much between the years of 2001-2005.
Tam, fettuccine is soooo underated for breakfast. Another great meal is chips and salsa or Hershey chocolate bars and coffee. Like a mocha but with more substance.
Kerri, thank you so much for having me today. Big hugs and kisses for your awesome awesomeness (to quote Po from Kung Fu Panda). I love you loads and bunches.
Thanks so everybody who stopped by. You all rock. This wasn't as painful as I thought:)
Great interview, Boone.
I love how you persisted with this story.
If you believe in something, it's worth fighting for :)
Looking forward to reading!
Sorry I'm late to the party, but it was a great interview Boone!!! :)
Congratulations on the book! The excerpt was great!!!
Lisa :)
Great interview, Boone! I didn't know you meant Kerri's blog! That first link took me to some god-awful 2006 website and I thought it must have been something else... But no, it didn't click it was here when the first one sent me someplace totally different.
Yes, I'm a tard.
So excited for you, my friend. You'll go far, I have no doubt.
Miss you too, Kerri! Cme join us on DD or EE whenever you want!
Oh, and I think I need to steal your boyfriend as the image for Rafe!
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