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Welcome the third of five special
interviews with our 2011
Book Boost Blogger of the Year Nominees!
talented nominees and
Welcome the third of five special
interviews with our 2011
Book Boost Blogger of the Year Nominees!
Today, we welcome nominated author Patricia Pellicane to the blog. We chatted with her recently and asked 21 questions, here's what she had to say...
TBB: How and when did you become a professional author?
PP: Years ago when Romance writers were new on the scene, I read a book I thought was awful. Arrogantly, I said, “Even I could do better than that.” So I tried it and suddenly realized I wanted to be a writer. First book never got published. The second one did. I’ve gotten better since. Like anything, the more you do it, the better you get.
TBB: What do you find to be the most difficult aspect of writing a book (the creation/concept, writing, achieving publication, sales/promotion, etc…)?
PP: Nothing comes easy for me. I start with an idea that changes maybe a half dozen times until I feel it’s just right. Once I have my characters, everything flows and then the hardest part, getting it published.
TBB: Which of your books is your favorite and why?
PP: Fire’s Tender Kiss. Strong characters, I like their reaction to each other and as the story went on how their reactions changed.
TBB: If you had to describe that book using ONLY ONE word what would it be?
PP: Strength.
TBB: Looking back on your writing career thus far, if you could change one thing, what would it be and why?
PP: I wouldn’t have listened to my first agent. That started the ball rolling in the wrong direction, check out the blog (for which I'm nominated) to see what I mean.
TBB: Is there a message imbedded into your stories you hope readers will get? If so, what is it?
PP: Sorry, no particular message. My books are pure escapism, solely for entertainment.
TBB: What has been your favorite fan letter or fan comment ever?
PP: The best comment I ever had was being compared by a reviewer to Kathleen Woodwiss. I loved her work.
TBB: What is your top writing career goal?
PP: To make money and lots of it.
TBB: Give me one quote (from yourself/by yourself) about being a writer.
PP: Here’s my favorite quote on being a writer, sorry it’s not from me, its anonymous. It goes like this… “All you have to do to become a writer is put a piece of paper into a typewriter and stare at it until blood forms on your forehead.” Every writer gets days like that.
TBB: What do you dislike the most about being a writer?
PP: The insecurity. When I put in six or eight hours a day on a job, I know I’m going to get paid. Doing the same as a writer, you’re constantly hoping for the best.
TBB: What other author would you most like to meet & have lunch with?
PP: Stephen King, slightly odd, maybe, but I like his sense of humor.
TBB: Who, in your life, is your biggest source of inspiration and why?
PP: Can’t say I have one particular source, except prayer.
TBB: What is your favorite breakfast food?
PP: Mostly I prefer to eat something that was left over from the night before, especially pasta or chicken.
TBB: What is your worst habit?
PP: Putting things off. I work hard to correct that.
TBB: What song lyrics get stuck in your head most often?
PP: Usually a love song, often an oldie and simply the last one I heard.
TBB: If someone wrote a biography about you, what should the title be?
PP: Determined
TBB: If you were a t-shirt, what slogan would appear on you?

PP: "Never Give Up!"
TBB: Favorite place to visit?
PP: New Orleans, I love the flavor of the place.
TBB: Favorite time of year (or fave holiday)?
PP: Christmas. Lots of hard work, but it’s worth it. Big family, lots of people, noisy and fun.
TBB: If you were a cartoon character, which one would you be and why?
PP: Garfield, because I’m very sarcastic and love to sleep.
TBB: What is your least favorite interview question to be asked?
PP: Don’t hate it but it’s my least favorite question. “Where do you get your ideas?”
TBB: Thanks for joining us today, Patricia and congrats on your nomination. We enjoyed getting to know you better and appreciate your appearance at the blog in 2011.
If you'd like to learn more about Patricia and her books, visit her on the web here:
And don't forget to pick up a copy of One Wicked Naked Lady, click cover to purchase:
Be sure to check back for our next nominee interview on January 24th with Leslie Lantry!
Contest Time:

Reminder: The nominees will be counting on your votes to win the Grand Prize and one lucky commenter will receive a gift pack with a book from each nominee (donated by The Book Boost).
So, leave a comment or question for each nominee to increase your odds of winning! Winners announced on Valentine's Day 2012!
**Winners for Book Boost prizes are drawn the first week of the following month and posted in the Recent Winners box in the right hand side of the blog. Check back to see if you are a winner and to claim your prize! Please leave your contact information in your blog post!**
Congrats, Patricia! (and come on down to New Orleans any time.)
Thanks Dawn,
I'd like to take you up on the offer. Love to get out of the cold. Maybe someday.
Congrats and thanks for a great interview.
Great post, thank for share! I will return this blog to read more useful posts. Thanks!
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