Can I hear a "TGIF"? Woot! We made it to Friday here @ the debut week of the Book Boost Blog and I for one had a blast!
If you participated this week, stay tuned for the winners announcement. If you were one of my special guests this week...thank you so much for sharing your time with us!
Now, on to today's contest announcements. If you want to enter this week's blog contest, there is still time to submit your trailer. Win a free month of promo! Deadline on Sunday. Click here for all the details.
For those who've entered, look for your trailers here on Monday and be sure to invite your friends & family out to vote!
Next week's contest is all about best first lines. I love a great first line to a book. In fact, one of my own books won the best first line ("Pack a Punch") contest not too long ago. Here was my winning line:
Paisley Barton was already having a bad day but things went from bad to worse after she turned her husband into a sewer dwelling rodent.
For those of you who are not familiar with this story. It is from my paranormal romantic suspense entitled Courting Demons.
THIS WEEK's CONTEST for AUTHORS: Share your best first line (it can be from a published book, an unpublished book, or a WIP but you have to be the author of the line). Entries accepted here in comments until 3/7/10 and then voting will begin on 3/8/10 and run until 3/14/10. Prize: 1 Free Month of budget promotion at the Book Boost! Looking forward to reading your work!
Now onto this week's Freebies offer:
One of my chapter mates from my FF&P (paranormal authors) group offered up these freebies so that she can make peace with her feline...
Who? Laura Bickle, Author of EMBERS and SPARKS, coming 2010 from Pocket-Juno Books
What? Free Promo Swag
Contact her here for details: laura@salamanderstales.com
One of my chapter mates from my CHRW (celtic authors) group needs help raising money and gaining votes:
Who? Denisse Alicea
What? Will you vote for Looney Alicea in the Spay Day Online Pet Photo Contest - and help save other pets' lives at the same time?
Click here for details: https://photocontest.humanesociety.org/contest.html?page=viewInd&id=76345&contestId=2
This Week's Winners:
From Kaylin's Interview Day...Winner's choice of PDF download of Flaherty's Crossing or a T-shirt...Congrats to...Maria!
From Hump Day Humor Blog...Winner of a Free download of my book Vegan Moon...Congrats to...Arianna Skye!
From Arianna's Guest Blog...Winner of a Free download of Wings of Desire...Congrats to...Andrea!
Winners can contact me via the Book Boost and I'll forward your contact information on to the authors. Click here to access the Book Boost Contact page.
This Month's Special @ the Book Boost:
Don't miss out on this great Special now ongoing (until March 20th) at the Book Boost! Click here for details:
February "Show 'em the Love" Special
“Oh, boy! I can increase my erection by twenty percent.”
From Wings of Desire, Available now from Eternal Press. Yes, I am the Author. LOL
“So…you really don’t know where your underwear might be?”
From "Where's My Underwear Anyway?" a WIP by Lynn Crain
The bride damn-near unmanned the groom and stole his dagger before the wedding.
From wip by Mary McCall
Some days having wings is a bitch.
From "Out of the Shade," my finished manuscript that I am querying.
Diane Barr
Jayda Kynslan sauntered into the Whip and Bull Tavern wanting only two things: a cold beer and a hot cock.
From "Bonded Souls" coming soon from Ellora's Cave.
"Who pooped and didn't flush it?"
From 'Grim Reality', my WIP.
Boone Brux
Happy trail: That sexy little strip of hair that runs from a man’s belly button to his—towel.
Blown Away
D L Jackson
"Truth burned."
...from EMBERS by Laura Bickle, Pocket-Juno Books, April 2010.
When people know they’re about to do the wrong thing, they don’t look you in the eye.
From Shooting into the Sun by Linda Rettstatt, Coming May, 2010 from Champagne Books.
"I woke one Sunday morning with a stranger in my bed and a sick feeling in my gut."
From Between Brothers by Lauren Gallagher (me!), Sept '09 from Carnal Passions (Champagne Books)
"Raymond was late."
From Healer's Fate by Beth Caudill, my ebook novella from Oct '09 - Whispers Publishing.
"I'm upping the ante. Bring underwear."
From Strip Poker for Two by April Ash (Ellora's Cave).
"Your dog ate your underwear."
From Gone to the Dogs by Marianne Stephens (Cerridwen Press).
I open the door to find a body at my feet.
From Vampire Vacation, finished manuscript by C.J. Ellisson
I got one more if it's not too late, from my current WIP:
The fondue pot exploded, sending a shower of warm chocolate gushing into the air.
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