Our featured author Eliza Knight!

Welcome, Eliza! Thanks for joining us this week at the Book Boost Blog.
TBB: First up, tell us more about Her Captain Surrenders.
Captain Nathaniel Cruise always puts duty first. But a beautiful woman tempts him from his duties to pursue more...pleasurable diversions. Beyond her physical charms, Lady Blackburn has wit and intelligence. He'll have to stay one step ahead of the seductive widow to keep from falling under her spell.
Lady Juliette Blackburn knows what she wants and she wants Captain Cruise. A wealthy widow in her own right, she decides to take her love life into her own hands. However, at every turn, the man of her dreams runs away from her. She’ll have to keep up a subtle chase to discreetly reel him in.
Despite their mutual attraction, something darker pulls them together, threatening both their lives. Together they’ll fight the villain and perhaps along the way, Juliette’s captain will surrender… to love.
TBB: That sounds awesome. How about a short excerpt to tease the readers?
“Captain Cruise.” His hostess Lady Challedon came up behind him. “May I introduce to you to a dear friend?”
Nathaniel swallowed his distaste at meeting another groom hunter, and turned to gaze into the most stunning pair of lavender eyes, made all the more brilliant by a frame of thick, curling black lashes. Lady Blackburn.
For a moment he was struck dumb. They’d never been formally introduced, yet he’d seen her everywhere, the park, ballrooms,
“My pleasure, ladies.”
He bowed. She curtsied. Nathaniel let his gaze fall to where full breasts pushed the limits of her silvery gown. His gaze lingered on her breasts a scant moment longer before traveling the length of her narrow waist and rounded hips. The curves of her figure promised to be a lush experience for any man. His body stirred to life with the thought.
Perhaps he could persuade her to enjoy a night with him.
He caught his bearings and managed a polite, “Lady Blackburn, would you care to honor me with a dance?”
“I should like that very much.”
Deep golden blonde hair, with hints of coral red, bobbed atop her delicate head as she nodded. She slipped her arm into the crook of his elbow, and gazed up at him. Her touch sent a shocking hunger racing through his veins. He’d never reacted this way to a woman before.
Get a hold of yourself, Nathaniel! He felt like an adolescent rather than the two and thirty years he was.
“Captain Cruise, I seem to be running into you quite often. Are you enjoying the Season?”
He paused a moment before answering. He couldn’t tell her he would rather chew off his own arm than attend another ball. He should let her know he didn’t intend to tarry long in
“’Tis a most fascinating way to distract myself until I return to my ship.” Nathaniel glanced at the lady to gage her reaction.
The corners of her mouth curved into a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. She looked away, as if trying to hide her disappointment.
“What is the name of your ship, Captain?” Her voice held a note of pique. Was she a saucy lady then?
Now, what have you been up to lately, Eliza?
EK: My latest news is that I signed a contract with Ellora's Cave for my next Highlander erotic time-travel novella, Take It Off, Warrior. It's a sexy, sizzling, humorous romp with a happily ever after ending. Release date pending...so be sure to sign up for my newsletter for up to date information. (See below for link to Eliza's newsletter).
TBB: Oh, my! Take it Off, Warrior? You had me at the mention of another Highlander book. Congrats on the new contract!
I know you teach a lot of writing workshops. What would be your advice to other aspiring authors out there?
EK: Don't ever stop. Keep going. Hone your craft. Write, write, write. The more you write the better you'll get. Read, read, read. The more you read the better you'll get at knowing the market and what publishers are looking for. I'm a big promoter of the three P's: Persistence, Patience and Perseverance. Without these three things, you will burn out quickly. Writing is a long journey and it can be lonely too. Make friends with other writers, go to conferences, attend workshops, and let others look at your work. Get yourself out there.
TBB: Sound advice and I couldn't agree more. Now for some fun stuff. Do you have any interesting writing quirks?
EK: Hmmm...that I sit with my back hunched over, feet propped up under my desk, looking extremely perplexed when I write? LOL Or maybe that I like to brew a giant pot of coffee when I write, but my coffee cup is lucky if I actually pour any of the steaming caramel confection into it? (I just love the smell of brewing coffee!!!)
TBB: I have a bit of a super sniffer myself. I like the smell of the clothes dryer sheets (clean cotton/linens). Go figure.
So, if they made a movie of your life...what actress would play you?
EK: This is a fun question!!! It's a toss up between Kate Hudson, Jennifer Aniston, and Lisa Kudrow. Although, I must say I use a lot of lines from Romy and Michele's High School Reunion...WOO!!!
TBB: LOL I can so see you as Kate Hudson, though. You're adorable just like her. :-)
Eliza, thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule to join us today. I know you're the mother of 3 (just like myself) and that leaves virtually no time for extra events such as these. I really appreciate it.
Any final words for our readers?
EK: I'm all over the place! Readers can visit me at www.elizakknight.com or blog with me regularly at www.historyundressed.blogspot.com or www.mammawriters.com! Don't forget to sign up for my newletter (click here).
I'd also love to give away an e-book copy of Her Captain Surrenders to one lucky commenter today.
TBB: That's great, Eliza! Okay, folks you'll have from today until Friday at noon (CDT) to enter a comment for a chance to win. Winner announced on Friday's blog post here at the Boost and you must check back to see if you've won!
Also, don't forget to check out Eliza's Book of the Week feature at theBookBoost.com!
Thanks for joining us, my Celtic sister. xoxo
Congrats on the new contract, Eliza! The book sounds wonderful.
I just love Nathaniel, Eliza, and I'm looking forward to your next one!
Congrats on the book and on signing with EC, Eliza!
Congratulations on your new contract with Elloras Cave. You are one talented, busy, busy lady.
Her Captain Surrenders and Take It Off, Warrior. Hmmm. Both have me salivating, and they're going on my "must read" list.
Joan K. Maze
Thank you so much ladies! I do love my heroes :)
Right now I am typing one handed with a squiggly 6 month old on my lap... I need a hot male mama's helper, lol ;) Hmm... story idea? (and no hubby doesn't count!)
Congrats on the book contract and I absolutely love the new title. The excerpt sounds great and the chemistry fairly sizzles between Eliza and her Captain. Definitely going to add it to my TBR list.
Great interview, Eliza and Kerri! Love the questions, answers, and excerpt. Huge congrats on getting a contract with EC. There is something so catch about the name, "Captain Cruise." Maybe I get a blend of Tom Cruise and Smokey Robinson singing in his smooth, sexy voice about cruisin' together.
Eliza, great advice with the "WRite, write, write" paragraph. Like those 3 P's too.
Hi and how great a new contract. Congrats to you Eliza. Wish you nothing but good luck in your new adventure. This book sounds really good and I am sure it is since you wrote it. Happy St Patrick's Day susan L.
Enjoyed your interview, Eliza! And congrats on the new contract.
Congrats on your new contract. You must be really excited; I hope you celebrated!
Tracey D
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