Need help with your book pitch? Planning to go to Nationals? Come out and enjoy a month long pitch class where class members will get top notch coaching on how to get Pitch Perfect! Normally this is a 2 week class and we only have time to work on 1 pitch per student BUT in this class, you'll get to polish up to 2 separate pitches!
At the end of class, I'll even have a special guest editor appear to read our pitches and make comments. Sometimes they will even make requests for more for those class members brave enough to take the challenge! In my December class, we had 5 requests out of 9 participants and 2 of those requests were subsequently offered contracts!
Don't miss out on the this invaluable "pre-game" warm-up session that will have you pitching like a pro in no time!
To register, visit this page and scroll down to find my class:
Here are the class details:May 2010 — Pitch Perfect
Presented by Kerri Nelson
Dates: May 5-28
Deadline: May 2
Course Description:
Want to practice your pitch for an upcoming pitch session to an agent or editor?
Need help refining your pitch to include in a query letter?
Well, practice makes perfect!
Sign on for this handy pitch practice workshop, taught by multi-published romantic suspense author, Kerri Nelson.
Over the past five years, Kerri has pitched more than thirty different books in every imaginable genre (from erotica to young adult) to multiple agents and editors with a tremendous success rate for follow-up requests for both partial and full manuscripts. She has sold twelve of those books in just one year after perfecting her pitch process!
In this intensive refresher course, Kerri offers up the secrets to
• Nailing your pitch
• How to score a home run with editors
• How not to stop short of getting the results you want!
Hit a home run with the book contract you’ve been waiting for!
Author Bio:
Kerri Nelson has always been passionate about reading books but when she wrote her first poem in the second grade, she discovered her love of writing. At the age of sixteen, she became a columnist for her local newspaper as the high school correspondent for the weekly "Panther Tales" column. She won the Outstanding Young Journalist of the Year Award for her efforts.
After an education and career in the legal field, Kerri began to pen romantic suspense novels with a legal or law enforcement theme. She is a true southern belle and comes complete with her dashing southern gentleman husband and three adorable children. When she’s not reading or writing, you’ll find her baking homemade goodies for her family, feeding her addiction to blogging online or designing custom made book trailers. Kerri is an active member of Romance Writers of America as well as numerous Chapters including Gothic Romance Writers, Futuristic Fantasy & Paranormal, and Celtic Hearts Romance Writers.
Kerri is a multi-published author of romance in every genre from romantic suspense and paranormal to young adult and inspirational novels. In 2009, Kerri wrote and sold twelve books to multiple publishers using her Book Factory method. Her latest paranormal romantic suspense “Courting Demons” will release from Dorchester Publishing in 2011.
For more information or help with registration, contact the education coordinator with the LRWA chapter: Online Workshop Coordinator, Veronica Alderson, lrwaonline@yahoo.com using the Subject line: LRWA ONLINE WORKSHOP
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