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I approach shopping the way some folks do hunting--which I'm not that in favor of by the way:) But like hunters for me its the thrill of the hunt. Unless my back is against the wall I never buy clothes if they aren't on sale. The kind term for one such as myself is 'power shopper'. But in actuality I'm a bit of a bottom feeder. I try not to buy until a big sign is posted on the rack that says '50-75% off last marked down price' and then I move in for the kill, err, swoop in for the sale.
Like the hunter, after my purchases are 'bagged' I proudly carry my sacks around the mall like trophies, swept along on a shopper's high.
For those of you who are new to this type of hunting a few words of caution and suggestions:
- There will always be sales. If you can't use it don't buy it.
- Buy at the end of the season. You will get your clothes at a fraction of the cost and will have a brand new wardrobe to pull out of the closet in about six months.
- Check the adds: Often time there's a 20% coupon that can be applied to the 50-75% clearance rack.
- Pace yourself. Don't get so caught up in the thrill of the hunt that you spend more than you normally would have. I allow myself X amount of dollars per month. When its gone its gone and I sit tight until the beginning of the next month when my allowance kicks in again.
For a chance to win a PDF copy of Sandra's book GROUNDED just leave a comment. The drawing will be held Sunday.
Want more Sandra?
Visit her website: www.sandracox1.com
Or her YA Blog: downtownya.blogspot.com
Or her Author Blog: sandracox.blogspot.com
Visit her website: www.sandracox1.com
Or her YA Blog: downtownya.blogspot.com
Or her Author Blog: sandracox.blogspot.com
Thanks for hosting me, Ms. Kerri:)
I'm with you on the shopping thing! Went to read the blurb on Grounded, Sandra--it looks terrific! Love the idea.
Suzanne, Yup, I'm a 'sales' girl:)
Thanks for the comment on the blurb. Appreciate it:)
Hi Sandra,
I'm another CAB author. My first with them, Runaway Mom, comes out in June.
Found your first chapter intriguing!
Edna Curry
Hope to win!
lucybeugelingramos at gmail dot com
Hey, Edna, good to meet a fellow CABber. As you probably know so is Kerri. All the best with Runaway Mom.
Hey Lucy, Glad you stopped by. Good luck:)
Hi Edna,
Please contact me at:
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