Lately, I've been feeling the strain of every day life. Too many obligations plus too much stress equals too little time to enjoy and appreciate the best things in life. Those things are family and friends and taking a moment just to be thankful for your many blessings.
This morning I woke up feeling a bit down and disheartened about life in general and then I realized that I needed to do something just because I can. What do I mean by this?
Today, I'd like to hear from readers and authors and I'd like you to tell me something you want or need. It can be anything. From a prayer for someone to a critique of your work in progress to a free book. Just something that you want or need that would make your day a little bit better right now.
I'm going to choose 5 requests and do my best to make them come true. Today, I will pursue 5 random acts of kindness for those who simply ask! All I ask is that you spread the word to someone you know who might need some random kindness.
You can leave your comment here OR you can e-mail it to me privately at: thebookboost@gmail.com. TODAY ONLY, please! :-)
NOW...I'm honored and thrilled to announce that we have a special guest blogger today...the Bestselling Author Brenda Novak and she is one of my own personal heroes!
If you don't know by now, my 9 year old daughter Brooke suffers from Juvenile Diabetes (check her out on my homepage this month www.KerriNelson.com) as does Brenda's son.
Every year Brenda runs an amazing auction to help benefit research for a cure of this terrible disease. Let's hear what Brenda has to say about the auction which is hitting its mid-month stride right now. Then stay tuned below for details on my special auction for today only!
Take it away, Brenda!

I’m SO excited! My 6th Annual Online Auction for Diabetes Research began May 1st (at brendanovak.com). With over 2,200 fabulous items, many of which you can’t get anywhere else, it's going to be a blast.
I started this fundraiser in 2005 and have made it an annual event in an attempt to help my thirteen-year-old son (diagnosed at 5) and the many, many others who struggle with diabetes--like Kerri's daughter. The need is there. Anyone who lives with a diabetic will tell you about the constant fingertip pricks, the shots, the pump insertions, the danger that comes with blood sugars that are too high or too low or swinging wildly from one side to the other.
It’s almost impossible to avoid the fluctuations, no matter how hard you try. But you rarely hear about that, or about the tragic side affects. Diabetes affects every part of the body—the heart, the liver, the kidneys, the skin, the nerves, the eyes, everything. But...thanks to my many, many generous donors--and shoppers--we’re doing what we can to help!
Last year we managed to raise $280,000, which brings us to over three-quarters of a million so far. In 2010, we should break the $1 million mark! Judging by the increase in donations and web traffic, I think we’ll get there. Not only does the auction offer fabulous items like original paintings, handmade quilts, trips and stays and autographed books and baskets from Big Name authors, it offers fabulous opportunities for readers and writers. How would you like to have lunch with one of your favorite authors—authors like Barry Eisler, Diana Gabaldon, Linda Howard, Beverly Barton or Catherine Coulter?
Kerri Nelson, John Lescroart and Christine Feehan are offering you an opportunity to name a character in one of their novels. Jane Porter is donating a trip to Hawaii! Heather Graham has donated a trip to New Orleans, which includes her Writers For New Orleans Conference. Nora Roberts is offering a stay at her inn. And Anna DeStefano has put up a whole category of Coach purses.
For aspiring writers, we have more agent and editor evaluations and author critiques than ever before. There are too many items to list here, so hop over and check it out. For those of you who have never participated in an online auction, don’t worry--it’s easy. This auction runs just like E-Bay. You shop the entire month of May (there are also one-day auctions so be sure to check the schedule), bid on whatever you like and pay for what you win via credit card or Paypal when it’s all over, at which point it will be shipped to you (in most cases, the shipping is free).
The person who places the highest number of bids each week will be awarded a fabulous prize (the first week it's an iPad as well as an Advanced Reading Copy of my new book, WHITE HEAT, due out July 27th). There will also be lots of other prizes given away via random drawings. And we have something new this year for aspiring writers. It's a writing contest that will be judged by New York Times Bestselling Authors. The winner will receive a 6-month mentorship from me and guaranteed reads from my agent and editor.
One other thing I should mention. To help promote the auction, I’m currently holding a drawing for a fabulous Trip for two to Curacao. This trip includes airfare and hotel stay at the Hyatt Regency. To enter, visit brendanovak.com and click on the Contest link.
Here’s hoping I see you at the auction!
Note from Kerri (@theBookBoost): Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy day to stop by and share more details about this important auction with us! Everyone, please see the details below about how to access the auction AND if you are a YA writer or YA fan, I have a special one day auction today for my YA novel Surviving Truth! Don't miss it!
Here are the links:
To the auction homepage:
To my One Day only Auction Today:
To the auction homepage:
To my One Day only Auction Today:
Kerri you are such a sweetie, and your little girl is ADORABLE!
This is what I want... I want YOU to take a day off. Close down the computer, turn off the internet, and go play. Go get a pedicure with cutie pie daughter, play a game with your toddler, and give that baby tons of smooches and hugs!!!
BTW, Brenda's auction rocks! I participated last year with the MamaWriters, and this year I put up a full critique of a manuscript. Here's the link if anyone would like to bid for such a great cause: http://brendanovak.auctionanything.com/Bidding.taf?_function=detail&Auction_uid1=1695134
I agree with Eliza, on all accounts! You kiddies are adorable!! And yes, take the day off, have fun and forget about the world for just one day!!! The only thing I wish for me is that you say a little prayer that my biopsy results come back negative tomorrow!!!! And one of these days I may BEG you to do a Critique of my manuscript! kiss*
Love ya,
Andrea xoxo
And Brenda's auction is a GREAT cause!!!!
Awe, now stop it! My Celtic girls are gonna make me cry today.
Love you both! xoxo, K.
My wish is that my good friend Kerri could have some time all to herself where she could just rest and rejuvinate, and sit with her own awesomeness and remember how loved she is and how awesome she is!!
Pick me, pick me!!
Which reminds me... I have a random act of kindness to do for someone today.
What a lovely thought, Kerry. Too often people plough through life forgetting that others find it hard. A random act of kindness is rare nowadays. A sad fact, in a chaotic world.
Like the others, I agree that you need time for yourself. But if you really want, give my d-i-l (Nean) a good thought. Like you, she is often overwhelmed and just needs a good thought. Thank you. And I will put you in my good thoughts as well.
How wonderful to offer help to others when feeling blue! I don't normally ask for things but I am desperate to have someone read one of my stories and give me a general opinion. I'm not asking for a line by line, just "I couldn't put it down" or "hmm, needs work". Let me know where to send it if you choose me.
Now to pay it forward. I am a reiki master. I will send love and light you and five others in need. Email me at brannansfantasies@gmail.com
Take care all.
RB Brannan
Hi Kerri--
Sorry I'm late! I was on TV this morning. Just a local show--GOOD DAY SACRAMENTO--but giving the auction a plug. (Doing all I can to make sure we get the word out there).
What you're doing is SO sweet! You can count supporting my auction as one of your five things because you donate every year, you shop, you promote. You're amazing. And I believe it really will make a difference to our kids.
Have you seen some of the news about the artifical pancreas. I just read an article that made it sound so close. I'd love a cure, but if they could perfect the artifical in the meantime, that would mean our kids would've have to prick their fingers so many times a day. It would keep them "in the zone" 87% of the time, too. That sounds like heaven to me!
I agree with the others, Kerri, please give yourself a hug and go play. It's always good to get away and do something that makes you feel good. I got my warm fuzzy yesterday when my cancer doctor cut me loose, said he didn't want to ever see me again!! It's been five years since I had uterine cancer surgery so this was a high spot in my life. :)
As far as Brenda's silent auction -it is the greatest way of putting back and helping such a dear friend. This is my fourth year of entering a homemade baby quilt and I love doing it. So many wonderful entries again this.
Going right to the auction next - great post today about it Kerri and Brenda! Wishing the cause far exceeds their hope with funds this year!
I do agree with the others - time for you is important - BUT I also know why you made this offer. Sometimes when we're feeling blue the best thing we can do to get ourselves out of it is to turn outside ourselves.
The time off is great, but if we're lost in our own thoughts and not present for the moment, then the sheer happiness and pleasure in that moment can be lost on us.
I don't have a need right now, but I have a want. I'd be honored if you'd send me whichever ever book you've written that you think will appeal to me and my love of paranormal. I'd love to read one!
And don't let the turkeys in life get you down. They just aren't worth it.
So I am very selfish. I want things to calm down in my life. My daughter is telling me she wants to hurt herself, I'm passing out and they don't know why, and I have a one day EEG tomorrow and a 5 day EEG where I stay in the hospital 5 hours away, leaving my fiance to deal with 3 kids alone.
I would love tons of prayer, and the selfish part of me wants some tissues and chocolate so I can drown my sorrow! :)
Really, the tons of prayers would do the most for me right now!
You're not selfish, Tami! You're going through something scary and have lots of demands on you at home as well. I wish you the very best with your procedures/tests over the next few days and I will send all my good karma your way!
I also believe in random acts of kindness and paying forward.
On Sundays I have an Internet radio show called, Until You Walk the Path, You Don't Know Where it Goes. It is listed under spirituality. But I have a loose definition of spirituality--it is whatever inspires us to heal through our fear and reach for our dreams. I've had singers, actors, authors and psychic as well as many others. For those who have books in print already, I am always looking for guest. If you're interested, email me at Tirgana at yahoo.com
What I'm asking from the universe is the connection to an experienced executive producer to partner with me on my military series, Operation Home Base.
To see what I do and have done please visit my site at www.theresachaze.com
Thanks and remember to take care of yourself first. If you let your own well go dry, you can't help others.
Congratulations, Paisley!! What wonderful news--and such a relief. May you stay cancer free forever.
And thanks for always contributing to the auction. You're the best!
Thanks for the support, C.J.! It's amazing how true the cliche is--many hands make light work!! I couldn't do the auction without you and everyone else who jumps in to help.
Oh no! Tami! What a rough time you're having. I'm definitely sending prayers your way. I hope they find out what's wrong--and that it's easily fixed!
Congratulations on all your success, Theresa. I'll definitely keep your radio show in mind. Right now I'm too swamped to add anything else. I had a book due last month that isn't yet done, a trip to NYC next week and this auction to wrap up. BUT...I'm hoping summer will calm down!!
Congrats on all you've accomplished.
Brenda - not sure if it's going to be an easy fix. I've been dealing with this since January. Thank you all for your prayers and Karma!
Hugs to you all,
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