Win a copy of Ruined and meet author Kinley Baker today at the Book Boost!
Here's what she had to say...
My Friend, Doctor Who: The Influence of Television Extends Beyond Story Ideas
I grew up obsessed with television. When I found Charmed, a show about witches, I thought I’d died and gone to imagination heaven. While I wasn’t a fan of scary movies, and the idea of real-life ghosts terrified me, I loved the idea of the supernatural. The bond between three sisters attempting to learn about their powers caught me from episode one. Once I devoured all the episodes, I cried through the season finale. One, it was sad in that happy-sad kind of way. And two, what was I going to do for my magic fix? This was about the time the paranormal genre exploded. Harry Potter was gathering steam, but I don’t think Twilight had hit the mass public radar yet.
Within weeks of finishing the last of the Charmed episodes I found paranormal romance. I went to college for creative writing, and graduated with a degree, but throughout school I never really found my voice. Then, I began to read paranormal romance, and what an experience. Now, suddenly, they had series about everything I’d imagined wanting to read about with the happy endings I coveted. Amazing.
Television eventually caught on and began to create shows. Underworld: Evolution came out around this time, and suddenly we had a movement. Thank goodness. But all of this is a round-about way of confessing my favorite television show. Doctor Who. Season 5 and 6 on BBC. I think the idea is genius: to have a doctor regenerate so that several different actors could play the same character. Talk about ahead of its time. And while I can’t really get into the original version, the moment I watched the first episode of the new version, Season 5 on BBC, I was hooked. By this point, I had read over 300 romances, with the majority paranormal, so my ability to be fascinated with television had waned because books have so much more vivid details. But a show about an alien who gets himself into trouble with time is a show everyone should watch.
And while I’m sure every book I’ve read, including the literary works from my college days, and television shows throughout my lifetime, have influenced me to some extent, nothing has been quite the same as Doctor Who. I wrote Ruined in 2009, long before I found Doctor Who. But I recently found I used the help of Doctor Who on a manuscript. Doctor Who came for a visit, played with time, and a few of my characters touched the crack in the wall, and their entire existence disappeared. Thank you, Doctor. The story is much better, and I felt more comfortable rewriting an entire book when I could justify in my head that I had the help of a friend.
I enjoy watching television. But I don’t hang out with television characters in my mind. Usually. There are too many imaginary characters in there taking up space. But I make an exception for the Doctor. Watch Season 5 and 6 on BBC, then tell me you wouldn’t want to have the Doctor as a friend.
Who is your favorite television character? What show is the character from and would you want to be friends with them in real life?
A Note from the Book Boost: You've really struck a nerve with me here, Kinley. Anyone who knows me also knows that I'm a television show addict. In recent years, I've missed so many great shows because of all the new babies in my life but that's when I discovered TV on DVD and Netflix and Roku and Hulu! Yay technology! How could I ever narrow it down to one character? Impossible. So, I'll name 3 from 3 different genres. Paranormal: Buffy Action/Mystery: Sydney Bristow Contemporary/Romance: Carrie Bradshaw. Thanks for joining us today, please tell us more about your book.

Jessa is one healing away from death. Under the thrall of her gift, the Court's Senior Healer risks giving her life in exchange for her patient's.
Vale is a rebel ruler. When his brother is killed, he's given the throne and the decree from the Court to produce an heir or lose his family's hold on the land--and his deceiving advisors aren't afraid to use murder as a weapon if their directive to stay away from the Senior Healer goes unheeded.
But Vale burns to possess Jessa. The heat between them leaves a wake of smoke, and even the powerful forces above want to bind them in a union that lasts forever. Vale taking another would be a betrayal neither could survive.
Their enemies fear a child born of such a powerful Healer and Warrior, but the true threat lies in the bond forged in shadows and fused in fire.
"You.” Fury burned hot under Jessa's skin as she glared at Vale. “Who do you think you are, demanding I come live in this castle? You can’t just order your guards to enter a woman’s home and pack up her things.”
“Well, I did.” Vale came around the desk and propped one hip against it, more of a threatening than casual movement. “Someone tried to kill me. It makes sense that I have my Healer close by.”
She released a pent-up breath. “Why couldn’t you have explained that instead of mandating?”
Silly. Her imagination had run away with her. The king needed his Healer. But the realization he didn’t want her made her angrier.
“Because I didn’t want to give you the option of saying no.”
She most definitely would have said no.
“If you would have explained your reasoning, I would have complied. Your safety and health come first, even if I—”
“Even if you what?”
“Loathe you.” She bunched her fingers into two fists, seriously tempted to hit him. For all the nonexistent pain it would inflict upon him.
“Do you?” His tone deadened with calm. “Because I can’t stop thinking about you.”
“That’s normal.” She brushed off the claim. “I saved your life.”
He moved in a blur. A true Shadow Shifter. One second he stood near his desk, the next he had her in his arms, one locked around her waist and one hand tangled in her hair. Their lips almost brushed.
“I can’t stop thinking about you.” His murmur played down her spine, leaving a tingling trail.
His scent invaded her. His voice embraced her like bare skin against satin sheets.
Her heart beat fast, her pulse jumped.
She disliked him, but didn’t want him to let her go.
“Have you been thinking about me?” His soft tone feathered over her flesh.
“Only how much I dislike you.” Lust pulsed in her belly.
He pulled her head back gently by her hair, so they looked straight into each other’s eyes.
Their bodies pressed tightly together. “Liar.”
Want More Kinley?
Visit her website here: www.kinleybaker.com
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Visit her website here: www.kinleybaker.com
Follow her on Twitter here:
Pick up your copy of her book today! Click here.
Contest Time:
Leave a question or comment for Kinley and be entered to win a copy of Ruined.
**Winners for Book Boost prizes are drawn the first week of the following month and posted in the Recent Winners box in the right hand side of the blog. Check back to see if you are a winner and to claim your prize! Please leave your contact information in your blog post!**
How funny! Some friends and I have been joking about needing a Pandorica to contain some annoying people we know & here you are blogging about the Doctor! I've been a Whovian since it came back on the air back in---what was it? 2004?
I'm a big fan of many of the BBCAmercia shows. Their writers seem to get storytelling right more often than not. They know how to pull you in and keep you hooked!
You mentioned Charmed...will you be checking out the CW's new series Secret Circle when it premiers?
Best Wishes for success!
~Roni Lynne
YA Adventures in the Paranormal...and Beyond!
Lol, Roni! Seriously, the Doctor would come in handy as a BFF in real life.
I completely agree. I love most of the BBCAmerica shows. I think their writers are geniuses.
I've seen previews for the Secret Circle. I'm definitely interested in giving the show a chance. The problem is that I'm not very good at keeping up with shows unless my husband is into them, too, because he's the one who waves his hands in front of my face, reminding me it's time to put my computer down :-) But the story is about witches, right? So I might have to make a genuine effort. :-)
Thank you for the best wishes, Roni!
Hi Kinley!
I've never seen Dr. Who, but I've watched Torchwood since day one. I like a lot of the shows on BBC America. Sadly, I no longer get the channel. =(
I'm a big fan Supernatural on the CW. I also love The Vampire Diaries. I guess I have a thing for hot brothers. =)
I hope Ruined is a huge success. Thanks for the giveaway!
Favorite character - Fox Mulder - I can still remember my total delight when they FINALLY aired a serious science fiction show instead of something campy. It really did change TV for me.
Thanks for visiting today, Jena! I've watched a few episodes of Torchwood and loved it. I think I'll watch it from the beginning one of these days. Luckily, Netflix has most of these television shows available.
I can't blame you for falling for the hot brothers! Hot brothers usually manage to find their way into my manuscripts. Lol!
I appreciate the good thoughts, Jena!
I'm a horrible tv watcher, but I never missed a single episode of Angel. I loved that tortured character!
I also caught every episode of ER and I loved so many of those characters... Especially Luca! YUM!
Great blog Kinley!
Lisa :)
Hi Donna! I love finding shows that change television for me. I'm so glad you found a good match :-)
I definitely think X-Files did amazing things for Sci-Fi and Fantasy. Any show that takes a new angle on otherworldly things makes me happy and excited for the future of television, movies and books.
Hi Lisa! Oh, good call! I LOVE Angel. I need to watch those reruns. I recently watched a ton of reruns of Buffy. I loved seeing Angel's character grow during that show. He's tortured AND sexy. When those shows were on, I just wanted to give him a big hug and tell him I didn't mind he was a vampire :-)
I have to leave my vote for Angel too. I loved Angel and Spike. Hands down my favorite episode is when they all get turned into puppets. Except for Spike who just had way too much fun with the situation.
Love, Dr. Who, especially the David Tennant Dr. Who. I'm beyond excited to see him in the Fright Night revamp. And Spike is hands-down my favorite TV vampire. The Vampire Diaries boys are great, but Spike is...well, Spike! One of my favorite Buffy episodes = "Once more, with feeling." (the musical episode).
Lol, Casey! I love Spike, especially in those episodes of Buffy when we see his softer side. I don't remember the episode of Angel where they turn into puppets, but your comment put that on the top of my to watch list. I can only imagine Spike having too much fun! Thanks for visiting today.
Hi Anne! It's been too long since I've seen Once More, With Feeling. I can't picture it. You're all giving me great things to put on my To Watch list :-)
I love Spike when we first meet him in Buffy, too, when he has the crazy girlfriend. She was an interesting character! Drusilla is an awesome villainess. I've got a soft spot for vindictive, crazy women. Kind of like Verity in Ruined.
Herm, this is a good question. I was never a big Doctor Who fan, but I loved Red Drawf, even if the only girl in the crew was a computer. I'm also a Star Trek NG fan, so I'd have to go with Picard and Deanna Troi. On the other hand, I adored Scully for her brains, and Mulder for his open mind. I also liked Charmed (are we seeing a theme here?). I hope Secret Circle lives up to it. Choose one? Heck, I guess I'd have to go with um...Deanna Troi. ;) Love her wit and her keen mind.
Thanks for an interesting discussion!
Thanks for visiting today, Julianne! I think there's a distinct pattern developing on the blog today :-) Which is good! Because my latest release is a fantasy with lots of superpowers and magic, so you all have a better chance of liking it.
I'm excited at the prospect of Secret Circle. But it's hard for me to believe it will live up to Charmed. Charmed has sentimental value, since it really opened the door to magic for me. I'll give most shows at least an episode or two to hook me. I hope it's fabulous!
Hi Kinley,
Loved the excerpt! Would love to read the book.
I'm a big Dr. Who fan too, and really enjoyed the seasons 5 & 6. Do you have a favorite episode? Or one that impacted your writing more than the others?
I'm so glad you liked the excerpt, Rebecca! I hope you check out the book.
My favorite episode of Doctor Who is for sure the Vincent van Gogh episode. It made me cry. And it was beautiful :-)
Hi Kinley,
Ruined has been on my wishlist ever since I learned about it a few weeks ago. It looks like a great read.
When I was growing up there seemed to be so many wonderful tv shows, Buffy, Degrassi High (original), 90210 (original), Sweet Valley and so on. It seems to me the shows aren't as good so I don't watch it as much.
This Fall I am looking forward to The Amazing Race, Dancing with the Stars and The Secret Circle. I read this series when it first came out in the 1990s and loved it. Hoping it will translate well on the screen!
I'm so glad Ruined has been on your Wish List, Na!
I didn't realize the Secret Circle was a book series. I hope it translates well on screen, too!
Your Fall line-up looks great!
Great post!
I seriously don't know what I did before I got a DVR (Comcast) and could record all my favorite TV shows. Which is awesome because then I can watch them at my leisure.
I can't wait to watch the CW's new series The Secret Circle and The Ringer. All set to record them. :-)
My fav TV characters would have to be these 3:
1) Buffy (Buffy, the Vampire Slayer)
2) Pru (Charmed)
3) Sookie (True Blood)
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Wishing you much success with your debut novel!
Oh! I love Spike and Angel too! (But Spike will always be my all-time favorite vampire!)
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Oh! I love Spike and Angel too!
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