I survived the Big Easy and the First Annual Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal Chapter's Conference "Fantasy on the Bayou"!
That's me (above) polishing off a bag of beignets at the legendary Cafe Du Monde in the French Quarter. Okay, well I had some help from hubby and son who accompanied me on the trip. And I took the pic for the Scavenger Hunt but never turned it in because we were out late on a Trolley adventure featuring a delay due to "someone laying their head on the tracks" (but that's another story for another day).
In fact, there were way too many adventures to re-cap here but I've listed my Top Ten fave moments of the conference--along with some pics--below. Hope you enjoy and if you were there in "N'awlins", tell me who dat, okay cher? (cher = New Orleans Translation: An expression many use when greeting another..."Dear, Love")?
Kerri's Top Ten Fave Moments in NOLA (in no particular order):
1. Meeting FF&P chapter mates at long last (too many to list for fear of leaving out anyone but you know who you are and big smooches to you, my friends).
2. Teaching my "Take Me Out to the CALL game Pitch Class" and hearing back from students that their pitches were a success!
3. Attending a book signing alongside "big timers" like Angie Fox, Maggie Shayne, and Leanna Renee Hieber!
In fact, the adorable Angie, the lovely Leanna, the fantastic Farrah Rochon (Louisiana author and my table mate at the signing), and myself are all current/previous authors from Dorchester Publishing and celebrated the fact that these Lollies have moved upward and onward. Here we are at the signing on Sunday:

4. The Keynote Luncheon speech by Maggie Shayne--a laugh out loud and tear-jerker all rolled into one. Consider me a fan for life, Ms. Shayne.
5. The FOOD, the FOOD, and did I mention the FOOD in New Orleans? From the eternally elegant, bow tie shrimp pasta in garlic white wine sauce to the belly busting, Po Boy bread pudding to the finger licking, fried chicken from Willie Mae's! Mmm Mmm good!
6. Meeting my Book Boost family members such as the bestselling beauty, Rebecca Zanetti (here we are at the signing):

7. Riding the Trolley all the way to the end of the line and viewing a breathtaking night wedding in progress outside one of the historic Garden District homes. Cutting up with our trolley driver & "Go Saints"!
8. Enjoying the FREE Ferry Boat ride across the Mississippi River and watching the amazement in my son's eyes all the way.
9. Attending the fast-paced, mind bending, and uber-informative class held by Bob Mayer. Here's a pic of meet meeting Bob:

10. Absorbing the all the magical, mystical, haunting, paranormal, and creative vibes that the always wild and forever wanton New Orleans has to offer.
And for those of you who need a little help feeling sexy after a long, tiring weekend of events, here's a Voodoo Goddess friend that might do the trick.

All in all, it was mega fun and thanks to all who helped get this event rolling and kept it running. As the Vice President of FF&P, a special thanks to all who attended and safe travels home.
Oh, and in all the excitement, I almost forgot about MY new release (which just so happens to be paranormal, go figure!) releasing today from Evernight Publishing entitled, Forstaken.
Check it out here:

Until next time, Big Easy...
Laissez le Bon temp rouler!
--Kerri Nelson
Owner, The Book Boost
AH, I'm so irritated that I couldn't go. You guys looked like you had a blast! Congrats on the release. Checking it out now!
It was wonderful meeting you in person finally, Kerri!
I'm so glad you had fun.
Congrats on your release! It looks amazing...
Great photos...Man, I'm so homesick!! Wish I could have been there with you guys!
We totally missed you, Rachel! You would have rocked that place. Looking forward to meeting you sometime soon--I hope.
Hugs to my sista!
Hey Dawn,
You'll be rewarded (somehow/someway) for all the hard work you put in. I hope you enjoyed it here and there when you weren't exhausted.
Loved meeting you and glad you got to join us for dessert at the luncheon.
Thanks for the comment on the new release!
As I said, NOLA wasn't the same without you. Only, my hubby took my little boy down Bourbon Street and I believe he may be scarred for life! LOL
Then again, he didn't have a fake ID so he didn't see everything. Whew!
Missed you! See you SOON!
I'm so glad you and everyone had a wonderful time! I'm going to be there with bells on for 2013!! Kudos and congrats!
Kerri it was such a pleasure meeting you. Loved celebrating (and commiserating) over our Dorchester connection. Great recap of a fabulous weekend and conference.
Thanks for stopping by and I can't wait to meet you in 2013! Hope you can make it.
Oh, and did I mention "no sleep was to be had"?
Rest early in preparation for next year.
I couldn't have asked for a better booksigning mate than you, my friend.
What an honor to meet you and sign next to you. Hope to see you soon and be safe in NYC, okay hon?
I had a blast too! It was so great meeting all of you. I'm still giddy from it all. (and tired!)
I didn't get to speak with you much at the event as you were the star of the show and very much in demand but your speech was top notch and I'm off to catch up on your entire backlist (may take me a while with that large list of fab goodness).
Thanks for coming and for the comment.
Too cool for words.
Looks you have fun Kerri, Can't wait to read the new book, Marian
Thanks for the comment and for stopping by. Please let me know if you check out the new book.
That was so much fun! I had a great time, and learned a lot from the workshop. Plus the ghost tour, garden district tour, cooking class... He he.
Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for stopping by to comment.
Hope to catch up with you next time around.
LOL! Looks like you had a great time! (Hope you've caught up with your sleep!)
Congrats on the new release! Woohoo! I'll have to check it out!
@Rebecca~ I had a blast. Wish you could've been there. Look forward to seeing you at some future event.
Hope you're doing well these days!
Kerri, It was great to meet you! I'm so glad that FF&P held their 1st conference here in New Orleans, I believe it was the perfect city for it. The panels and classes were awesome, I learned so much from each one. Thanks for teaching the fun and interactive pitch class, it'll help when I'm finally ready to take that leap. Congrats on the release of your new book and hope to see you soon.
Thanks for stopping by! I know, wasn't New Orleans grand this time of year. One day in the 80's and the next in the 60's. It was like the best of both worlds all in one weekend.
Glad you enjoyed the pitch shop and be sure to stay in contact and let me know how it works out for you.
I see big things in your future!
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