Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Author Interview: Kaylin McFarren

Welcome Author Kaylin McFarren
to the Book Boost Blog!

TBB: Welcome to The Book Boost Blog, Kaylin! Can you tell us a little more about yourself? Where are you from?

KM: I was born in Torrance, California but at the age of twelve, my family relocated to Seattle, Washington. I met my husband in college there and shortly after we were married, we moved to Portland, Oregon, which is where I now live.

TBB: When and why did you begin writing?

KM: I've been writing for as long as I can remember – poems, short stories, journal entries. But my real passion for penning truly emerged in college where I minored in Literary Arts. I simply loved to express myself on paper and being a notorious Irish storyteller, ideas just seem to naturally pour out of me.

TBB: What do you like to do when you are not writing?

KM: I enjoy giving back to the community through participation and support of various charitable and educational organizations. What ever free time remains is filled with reading, gardening, oil painting, gourmet dining, collecting fine wines, international travel and golf. I'm also am a member of RWA, Rose City Romance Writers, and Willamette Writers and look forward to gaining knowledge at meetings, workshops and conferences.

TBB: We understand that you've just had your debut release "Flaherty's Crossing". How did you come up with the title for this book?

KM: I loved the idea of creating a double entendre and Flaherty's Crossing was perfect. In the first chapter, Collin Flaherty is about to begin his journey to heaven. He reveals a dark secret to his daughter Kate Flaherty which leads her to a cross road in her life – choices to make that can change everything she believes in.

TBB: This book sounds great and if our readers will just click on the book cover above they can read more about it! Click here to Buy it Now! What are you working on next?

KM: I'm working on a romantic suspense series titled Severed Threads which involves an adventurous group of salvage divers searching for cursed treasures. Here's a quick summary of book one: In order to save the life of her estranged brother from a ruthless mobster, former marine biologist Rachel Lyons is forced to steal a legendary artifact out from under Jordan Novak, a salvage diver and former love interest. However, when she discovers that Jordan has his own unselfish agenda for recovering the treasure, Rachel must decide whose life and love is more important.

TBB: Sounds like you are super busy and we wish you all the success with this new release! Thanks for joining us!

Be sure to read more about our Book of the Week author Kaylin McFarren at www.thebookboost.com! Plus, leave a comment or question for Kaylin today and be eligible to win a free download of Flaherty's Crossing or a "really cool" t-shirt from the author!


Kaylin McFarren said...

Thanks for letting me be your first interview on this gorgeous new blog. BTW, totally open for questions. :)

Anonymous said...

Both books sound great! Great interview!

Anonymous said...

I just noticed that the road on the cover seems to lead into the afterlife! Cool. Love the double entendre.
Carolyn Zane

Maria said...

I love the cover to the book and the trailor is really good. It looks like quite the suspense novel. I love the premise of unresolved childhood issues influencing our decisions as adults. Also liked that you listed the inspriation for the story as your father and a little of that story.
As to your new romantic suspense series, do you know how many books you plan to publish in the series? Will it also be published by Champagne?


Kaylin McFarren said...

Hi Maria:

I plan to have three books in the Severed Threads series. Not sure as to a publisher yet, but will look into options as soon as I wrap up book one...which hopefully will be "very" soon. :)

susan said...

Welcome and glad to meet you here. I love the sound of your book and I am sure it is good. You are new to me but now that I found you..you are stuck with me. ha ha Good luck in whatever you do. susan L.

Kaylin McFarren said...

I LOVE sticky readers. Thanks for finding me, Susan!

Susan Anne Mason said...

Hi Kaylin,

You're right. This is a gorgeous blog!

I'm intrigued by the new series you're working on. Sounds exciting!

Wishing you lots of sales on Flaherty's Crossing!


Kaylin McFarren said...

Hey thanks Sue. I think sunken treasure must be really hot. Just checked on scrbd.com where I posted Severed Threads two weeks ago and discovered that I've had over 4,000 reads already. Now, if that could just translate into book sales, I'd be dancing a sweet little jig. :D

Linda LaRoque said...

This sounds like a wonderful read, Kaylin. Best of luck with sales. I'll be getting my copy.

Kaylin McFarren said...

Yay! Thanks, Linda. You can bet I'll be ready your newest release as well...

Unknown said...

Looks like a very interesting read (and a great cover) - would love to win the download.

Kaylin McFarren said...

Fingers crossed for you, Karen! :)

booklover0226 said...

I enjoyed the interview and look forward in reading your works.

Tracey D

SiNn said...

I loved the ineterview and the cover is absolutly breath taking I read theblurb and id deff willbe adding this to my wish list ty for stopping in and haveing the interview!

Angelica Hart and Zi said...

We totally agree with SiNn about the cover. It is AWESOME. Just that makes you want to read the book let alone the draw of the storyline. Great interview, and I adored how rather than saying the father was about to die...you said, before he started his journey to heaven. Touches the sentimental soul.

Andrea I said...

Congratulations Kaylin on your first release. I enjoyed the interview as I found a new author to check out. The book sounds interesting as well as your WIP.

Kaylin McFarren said...

Thanks everyone! This was incredibly fun. :)

susan said...

Your book cover is awesome. I judge books by covers and never wrong so far. susan L.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to be so late, Kaylin. Loved your book! Wishing you every success with your career. I'm looking forward to Severed Threads.

Kaylin McFarren said...

Thanks ladies. Now I HAVE to get back to writing, don't I? :P