Stay tuned to win a Celtic round, leather medallion of a Crescent moon etched with Celtic knots!
Here's a note from Cornelia followed by an interview...
Dear Readers,
Today is the release date for my ninth Celtic/Romance, Druid Bride. I love history and have an unquenchable passion for all things Celtic. I believe it began when I saw the Disney movie The Sword and the Stone at age five.
Druid Bride is set in 1st century Scotland. This is the period in history when the Boudica revolt failed in England and the Pictish tribes of northern Scotland took up the battle against the Romans. It’s a mystical, romantic tale, full of adventure that will sweep you away to another place and time. It is the story of my fictional characters, the Pictish warrior, Brude and the devoted Druidess, Tanwen. Brude’s shoulder length hair is thick from lime wash and spiked like a hedgehog’s, with strands ranging from dark brown to a golden hue. Danger shines in his alluring grin and the gleam of his brown eyes. He is tall, young, muscular, well built and his body is covered with blue, Pictish woad tattoos of Celtic beast and curving symbols. Tanwen has long, straight, copper toned red hair and large green eyes, she wears the white gold speckled robe of a druidess. They are physically attracted to each other and they respect each other. But they do not trust each other.
TBB: Brude sounds fabulous! Can you share the Blurb with us?
CA: Here's the blurb:
She carried the seed of rebirth, so what had fallen would rise again. The ghost of her ancestor sent Druidess Tanwen from Britannia to the strange foreign tribe of the Caledonii to wed Brude, son of the chief. But Brude is not about to marry a druidess, even though she has the most beautiful body he’s ever seen. Never mind if his blood boils and he can’t stop thinking of her. He will not wed her. Yet the fate of Caledonia rests in the hands of the Warrior and the Druidess. Will they put their differences aside to fulfill their destiny?
TBB: When and why did you begin writing?
CA: The Celtic Warrior Queen Boudica made me start writing. I love history and in reading a book about the dark ages I came across Boudica. I was so impressed by her, I started jotting down notes, but they were fiction, about how I envisioned it to have happened. Before I knew it, I had written a rough draft for a novel. My novel Druid Quest takes place against the back drop of Boudica but she is mentioned in my new release Druid Bride as well. The heroine, Tanwen, who is a druidess, is Boudica’s granddaughter and it is her ancestor, Boudica, who sends her to Caledonia (Scotland) and that is how the story of Druid Bride begins.

TBB: What are your current projects?
CA: I recently submitted an Erotica/Celtic/Romance novella set in ancient England during Samhain. It’s a Celtic twist to a Halloween/Werewolf story. The heroine is a druidess and the hero is a Welsh god. And I also recently submitted an Erotica/Romance set during the 1969 Woodstock Festival. I had such fun writing that. I hope to hear good news on those. And I’m working on my second Steampunk/Romance, set in Victorian London, the heroine’s a ghost, and my 10th Celtic/Romance, a paranormal set in ancient Wales, the hero is a Welsh god. Both of those are works in progress right now.
TBB: Do you have any advice for other writers?
CA: Never stop writing, put your inner-editor aside and finish the rough draft. Find your unique author voice and go with it, always. Never give up, following a dream is always hard work, but it's the only way to truly live.
TBB: What authors have inspired your writing and in what way?
CA: Morgan Llewellyn and Marion Zimmer Bradley are my strongest inspiration. Marion Zimmer Bradley wrote fantasies, Morgan Llewellyn writes historicals, and I write romances, but like them, I use historical knowledge and realistic fantasy that pulls from the druid belief system, and I have researched the ancient Celts for more than 15 years.
TBB: How can our readers find you on the internet?
CA: My website is http://www.CelticRomanceQueen.com or follow me on Twitter here: http://twitter.com/CelticRomanzqEn
Tanwen walked through the wheat field. Half willow tree, half fey was the only description that fit. Tall but lithe, her red hair waving in the wind, streaming down her slender body. Her skin was still pale blue from the woad, giving her the appearance of an enchantress, summoned from the other world to bless the crops. Everyone gazed at her as she walked forward and halted at a stalk. She plucked an ear of wheat and rolled the grain between her finger and thumb as Lossio had done. “It is plump and yielding.” She stared at Brude with an intense gaze that set his insides on fire. “Yes, it is time.”
A cheer went up from everyone, but Brude was captured by her gaze and couldn't’t look away. He didn’t want to. He wanted to step forward, scoop her up into his arms, and carry her off to his bed. By the gods, the druidess had enchanted him.
He did not say a word to Tanwen, nor she to him, but she turned her head and flipped her red hair across her back as she walked off.
Pick up your copy today! Click here!
Contest time:
Cornelia is giving away a Celtic round, leather medallion of a Crescent moon etched with Celtic knots and it hands on a braided leather cord. It’s very unique. The winner will be drawn from the comments. Winner's name posted here on the blog in the Recent Winners box on the right hand side of the blog! Check back to see who won!
Hi Cornelia, this books sounds FABULOUS just like all your others!!! Congratulations on its release and best of luck with sales!!!!
Andrea :O)
Mystical romance, thats right up my street. great excerpt. Love it.
Just bought the Kindle version from Amazon. This book looks great. I love druid stories! :-)
Thanks for letting us know about this, Kerri. Can't wait to read it!
Congratulations on the release. It sound like a great book. I really enjoy Book Boost. I find new authors and books.
Congrats on the new release, Cornelia. I really enjoy all this Celtic and Druids are a favorite of mine. This book sounds like it will become one of my favorites!
Patsy H.
Wow! Over 15 years of research is amazing!! Do you find yourself grabbing for research books still or are most of the facts at your disposal when writng?
Congratulations on the books! The excerpt is terrific!
This story sounds fantastic. When we explored the Scottish Highlands we found several of the Druid stone circles and my imagination took off as to who, what happened and when. What an interesting part of history.
Hi, Cornelia! Congratulations on the release of "Druid Bride". Having read your book, "Queen of Kings", I know that you spin wonderful tales of strong, bodacious females and hunky heroes in sensual romance with a touch of fantasy! I'd love to read your Werewolf Romance novella!
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
Wow, a definite "must read"!!
Sounds fabulous and as a reader, I definitely appreciate all the research!
I love Celtic stories.
Congrats on the new release, Cornelia.This book sounds so FAB! I can't wait to read it. I am never disappointed when I read your books.
The book sound fantastic. How do you manage writing all those books at once.
Dear Paisley,
Thanks for the kind words and by the way, I love your name. I’ve posted a few lines from Druid Bride below because of the inspiration you gained from the stone circles you saw when you visited Scotland The tattoos covering his arms and legs were similar to the sacred images engraved on the long stones which stood all over Caledonia. The largest swirl began small and curved into a larger loop, with a little one for wings, and long, thin lines as legs. So his patron goddess was Corra—the crane goddess—which revealed his closeness to the otherworld and his gift of prophecy – from Druid Bride
Dear Virginia thanks so much for the congrats on my new release. I’m so glad you liked my novella Queen of Kings, and Druid Bride is a full novel so hopefully you’ll like it even more. Thank you so much for the kind words and I’m hoping to have good news on the submission for the werewolf novella soon.
SiNn, thank you so much for the kind words. That means so much. Thanks for the congrats and best wishes. Thank you so much.
Diane thanks so much for your comment - “must read” That means so much to me. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Thank you so much Catslady for dropping by and for the kind words. That means so much to me. The appreciation you wonderful readers show for my writing and the research I put in it makes it all worthwhile.
Thank you so much Caroline. I love Celtic stories too. The biggest inspiration for my writing comes from old myths and legends that were passed down by oral tradition for hundreds of years. My personal opinion is, any story that has survived thousands of years is a damn good story. LOL
Kimmyl thank you so much for the kind words. Your comment, “ I am never disappointed when I read your books.” means so much to me because that’s how I judge my favorite authors. If they never disappoint me, if I like everything they write time after time, I consider them the best of the best. So you couldn’t have given me a better compliment. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Dear Linda, thank you so much for your kind words. It actually helps to write more than one book at a time. When you feel drained from working on one or your mind is tired of concentrating on one and needs a rest from it, (as writing takes a great deal of concentration at a level that I don’t think most people work at very often), you can switch to another work in progrsss and pick up energy just from the change of thought. I guess it’s one of those quirky creative, writer things.
I love everything celtic..music to books and sure would love to win this contest and get more of what I love best. I do alot of computer work while listening to The Celtic Women..love them all so much. susan L.
Hi Cornelia,
I too love everything and anything Celtic. I loved the excerpt. I haven't read your work yet but I have the Druid Bride and Druid Quest on my TRL.
Thank you for the opportunity to win this unique prize.
Carol L.
& Thank you Carol
I appreciate the kind words. It's alwayas good to meet others who love everything Celtic. Best of luck to you both and all the other people who commented on my guest blogging spot on the drawing for the Celtic leather medallion necklace.
Cornelia Amiri
Hi everyone,
I wanted to follow up per the question - What are your current projects? I heard from Eternal Press today, the Erotica/ Celtic/ Romance novella set in ancient England during Samhain was accepted by them. I'll keep everyone updated when I get a release date.
Congrats!!!!!! That's great news, Cornelia.
Excellent Cornelia!! Congrats! Can't wait to read more about this one too.
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