Here's what she had to say...
Teaching children the value of the Earth and all of nature is hard in today’s “tech-crazy” world. It is hard to pry kids away from their game systems, televisions and computers long enough to enjoy the great outdoors.
I say, “Get the kids outside and they will find lots of ways to enjoy themselves, and maybe even get some fresh air and exercise too.” My husband and I started taking our kids to State and National Parks and other “natural” locations very early. We love to point out interesting trees, listen for odd sounds, and walk slowly to try to observe wild life in its natural habitat. Our kids know the names of many plants and animals that others don’t, simply because they have been able to observe them in their natural habitat.
We feel it is very important to teach kids about the who, what, when, where and why of nature so that they will appreciate when they are around it. We also feel is it important to teach them various ways to protect the nature and resources. It is crucial that we think about not only leaving the outdoors as we found them but also what we can do to improve how we found the area.
For example, when you see trash, pick it up. But if you see a dirty corner of the street with grass or simple dirt, ask the owner (town or appropriate officials) if you can clean it up and plant a tree or flowers there. I venture to guess you will not be told no. Many people don’t slow down enough to notice nature, much less to care for it.
My book, Care for Creation, gives parents and teachers an easy way to not only share nature with kids but also to share why it is important to care for the Earth. I hope that my book will inspire entire families and classes to spend more time outdoors looking for the beauty and brainstorming ways they can help make it more beautiful!
Examples of things you can do as a family or group include trash pick up days, flower or tree planting days, energy saver days, education days, nature walks, scavenger hunts, or even water conservation days. Recycling programs are also another way to reduce waste, recycle what can be reused and to educate the public on the effects of throwing everything into landfills.
Still have questions about ways that you and your family or class can help? Contact me via my website (www.careforcreationbook.com) and I will share resources I have found during my research for this book. One website I have found to be especially helpful is www.futurefriendly.com. This website shares simple ways to obtain reasonable results.
A Note from the Book Boost: Thanks for sharing this great information with our readers. Please tell us more about your book!
Review Quotes:

"Christy Baldwin's Care for Creation is a charming story that teaches children how to care for our environment in a fun and loving way. The colorful illustrations and inspiring verses from the Bible will delight both children and adults. The book is a powerful tool for families that shows how living responsibly can make a difference in our world!" --Tony Townsley, inspiration for Three Cups
"Care for Creation by Christy Baldwin backs up the modern theme of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle with the Biblical messages passed down from our Creator. From the time of Adam and Eve, men and women have been called to care for the Lord’s creations. In this meaningful and inspiring book, children learn how easy and important it is to do their part." -- Cheryl C. Malandrinos, author of Little Shepherd
We are called to care for God's creation. He wants us to love the land, and enjoy the beauty of the world He created.
Genesis 1:1 (NIV®)
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.
It is our job to keep the planet clean. We cannot eat food grown on polluted land, or swim in contaminated water.
Genesis 1:26 (NIV®)
When God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
Contest Time:
Contact Christy via her website (link above) and be registered to win an autographed copy of the book, Care for Creation. Everyone who contacts me will be sent a packet with earth friendly tips and a 10% discount on the purchase of a book through me.
1 comment:
Kerri - thanks for hosting Christy on your blog. I think the two of you combined to offer a great post and giveaway to the readers of The Book Boost.
I deeply appreciate your support of "Care for Creation."
Best wishes,
Tribute Books
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