Win a leg lamp nightlight (from A Christmas Story movie) and meet Evernight author A.D. Blackburn!
^^^^Check out Ralphie (then and now)!
The first up of our 'Twas A Dark & Delicious Christmas anthology authors is A.D. Blackburn. She's here to tell us about her Christmas traditions. Here's what she had to say...
On Thanksgiving, after my loud obnoxious family has consumed the potato surplus of Idaho, a twenty some odd pound Gobbler and more wine than should be legally allowed, well that's when my Christmas traditions begin. Snuggled up in my recliner with my handsome husband, my children all sound in their beds, I pour myself yet another glass of wine and listen with unbridled joy for those five glorious words.
“You'll shoot your eye out!”
Oh the bliss that has been my holiday season since I first laid eyes on Ralphie Parker. He was my first crush. Looking at him now, I think that my lifelong crush was dead on the money. I mean seriously! How's that Red Rider, Ralphie? Hottie alert! Back then, he was just a boy, not much older than I, recounting his most treasured Christmas memory. I don't just indulge in twenty-four hours of A Christmas Story.
Much to my families chagrin, I watch it for a month straight. I wrap presents with it playing in the background. I cook to the melodious cursing of The Old Man. I have decorated my tree to mimic the gaudy monstrosity that replaces the Leg Lamp. Hell, we even own a Leg Lamp...and yes, it does go in the front room window!
I couldn't resist putting a little bit of a plug for my favorite movie in my short story The Little Red Ribbon in Evernight Publishing's 'Twas A Dark and Delicious Christmas. It is a spicy little tale about a man named James who hates the holiday season – and for good reason – that happens to meet a woman named Maddy who hates it just as much as he does. Grinches, much?!
What better way for them to bond over their mutual holiday disdain than with a little between the sheets celebration? What could be more magical than discovering that it wasn't just chance that brought them together? So playing A Christmas Story in the background may be a little over the top, but hey, it is Christmas and if the movies and our sultry tales prove anything its that, well, absolutely ANYTHING can happen!
To be included in this amazing anthology with such a phenomenal crop of talent is truly a wonderful gift. For a girl from a small town in North Carolina who only ever dreamed of one day being a writer, this is a magical Christmas indeed. The wonder of the Season and the magic of the holidays is never lost on me. I think the reason I am so enamored with A Christmas Story is because deep down I knew it would mirror my life. I am Ralphie. And becoming a part of something as amazing as this anthology? Well that's my Red Rider.
It is my fondest wish that this holiday season, you get your Red Rider as well.
Just don't shoot your eye out!
All of my love and deepest Christmas wishes to you and yours!
A Note from the Book Boost: I'm with you on this, A.D. I love this movie and even went to see the live production of it last year. They did it justice but I missed my Ralphie! Your post was very touching and beautifully written. Thanks for joining us today and I'm proud to be included in the anthology with you. Happy Holidays and may your turkey not be eaten by the neighbor's dogs!
From a Review of A.D. Blackburn's story by Happily Ever After Reviews (5 tea cup review*):

James and Maddy know each other and knew that the attraction was there, but circumstances kept them apart their grief.
James lost his wife to a break in gone bad and Maddy her husband to a car wreck. James always bought his deceased wife a last minute gift, this Christmas he lost it on his way to work, wonders of wonder he and Maddy found that they were meant to be together. Fate had a way of taking away the hurt while providing them with great sex for Christmas. Reading this short story puts into perspective what being alone at Christmas does to a person.
Pick up your copy today!
Click here for the e-book version.
Click here for the huge, collectible print version!
Contest Time:
All contests from today's blogs will run until 11:59 p.m. (CST) on Friday December 10th. Winners selected by the Book Boost via random draw and posted here on the blog on Saturday, December 11th. Be sure to leave your contact information in your comment, we will not hunt you down!
Enter each author's contest individually by posting a comment or question. Check back throughout the day for more chances to win great prizes!
A.D. Blackburn is giving away a leg lamp nightlight to one lucky soul. Tell us about your holiday traditions. Good Luck to all.
OMG, I can't believe how hot Ralphie grew up to be. This will teach you girls to be nice to the nerdy kids in elementary school, eh? LOL
Awesome post and contest.
Why do you think that paranormal/fantasy appeals to you as a writer?
I just bought this anthology yesterday. I'm excited to start reading it! I do love sexy Christmas stories.
Hmmmm. My Christmas traditions.
Well, my family (being part Norwegian) used to make these amazing Christmas cookies called Krumkake. They're sorta like Norwegian cannolli. They take quite awhile to make, but they are amazing. They have this spicy taste that you don't expect, becuase they kinda look like fancy waffle cones, but they always remind me of Christmas.
Thanks for the memory!
That's my favorite movie too! Ralphie was always cute. He has the prettiest eyes.
I love Ralphie and he did grow up to be a cutie. I can't wait to read.
OMG - Ralphie turned into a hottie! Who knew? We do the same thing here - watch Ralph for the entire month. And Christmas Vacation. :) Great blog post.
Unfortunately, I'm afraid our family is a little more like the Bumpuses.
It's nice to know I am not alone in my lust for Ralphie Parker. I watched the Vince Vaughn movie Four Christmases the other day and Peter Bilingsley had a cameo...THUD?!?! My husband "looked at me like I had lobsters crawling out of my ears."
Thanks so much for your interest in the anthology. I truly consider myself lucky to be able to be one of these amazing 13!
@JC....I adore the genre because there are literally NO LIMITS. I personally feel that the paranormal/urban fantasy genre is the one true home for writers whose imaginations tend to run more than a little wild.
Thank you all so much for checking out my guest spot and much love to the always awesome Kerri for hosting this launch party! She is the BEST!
Merry Christmas to you all!! And if you like my sultry little sentimental characters, be sure to keep a weathered eye on the horizon as there is more to come from them! <3 MUCH LOVE TO YOU ALL!
Her story left me begging for more from this talented writer. Thumbs up on Ralphie - what a hunk he turned out to be.
Okay, Ralphie grew up to be totally yumtastic. Great post from one of my favorite people :)
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