Win a copy of Dark Future & meet paranormal author KC Klein today at the Boost!
We recently had a chat with KC and here's what she had to say...
TBB: Welcome to the Boost, KC. Tell us, how did you come up with the title for this book?
KC: Great question. I think I used the word Dark because a lot of my book is set in a place called Dark Planet. And I put Future with it since Dark Future has such an ominous feel to it. Even the HEA at the end has a few story threads that aren’t perfectly tied up.
TBB: Makes sense to me. I love the cover, btw. What book are you reading now?
KC: Reading? What’s reading? Seriously, I really don’t have much time to read, but when I do I’m usually reading two to three books at a time. Right now, I am trying to make my way through the fourth book in the Game of Thrones series. This book hasn’t grabbed me like the others, but I have to get through it in order to get to the fifth book, which I hear is great.
TBB: I love series books as well. Right now, I'm on a Lisa Gardner binge reading event for the holidays. Nothing like mixing murder and mistletoe. Ya know? What are you working on next?
KC: Right now, I am finishing up a sci-fi, bodice-ripper, anthology with two other authors. We’re really just having fun and loving just writing to our own rules. It’s very freeing.
TBB: Now that you're "living the dream" as a published author, do you have any advice for other writers?
KC: Put yourself on a schedule and never quit. The road to success is full of ups and downs and at times comes full circle, so never compare your journey to another author’s. When I start to comparing my successes with others is when I lose my joy of writing.
TBB: Do you have any interesting writing quirks?
KC: Not sure if it I interesting or not, but so far I’ve written all my books out long hand. I am trying to break the habit since I need to learn to write faster, but when I get stuck I always go back to paper and pen. More times than not, I can work out the plot points and dialogue better on paper.
TBB: Wow! This stuns me. I cannot image the hand cramps I'd get from doing this. It is bad enough with all the typing. Although, I hear that Stephen King does this handwriting thing too. So, it must work. Which brings us to the question...what do you like to do when you're not writing?
KC: I’m a mom, a wife (isn’t that enough?), and I work outside the home. I also decided long ago that I wasn’t willing to trash my health and my body in the name of becoming an author. So I work out almost every day. As of right now, I just joined a kickboxing gym, and my class starts at 5:15 in the morning. In order to get up at 4:30 on the weekdays, I really have to be organized and disciplined. But really, so much in life comes down to discipline—saving money, working on a marriage, raising kids, losing weight, and yes…even writing a book.
TBB: Very impressive schedule. It is all about time management. Now, if you had to describe this book using ONLY ONE word, what would it be?
KC: Sexy-dark. (I hyphened it so that really is one word.)
TBB: I think that might be cheating but...still good. :-) What has been your biggest reward as an author thus far in your career?
KC: I just received my first fan email. All I can say…wow, way cool.
TBB: I know the feeling. Somehow makes all the sweat and tears worthwhile. Thanks for joining us today at the Boost and please don't forget to leave us with a blurb and excerpt teaser!
KC: I want to say thank you so much to Kerri for asking me to come on Book Boost and talk about my book. The whole debut author thing has been a very exciting, and I’m so glad I get to be a part of it.
Awakened in the middle of the night by a future version of herself, Kris Davenport is given a mission: go forward in time to save the world—and His life. Of course, her future self doesn't tell her who he is, just sends her into an abyss and straight into an alien invasion.
He turns out to be ConRad Smith, the callous, untrusting Commander of Earth’s army and the world’s last defense. There’s only one way to know for sure if this strange woman is an alien spy—slice her throat. Except, he didn’t anticipate the heat he would feel as he interrogates the hot-tempered, warm-blooded woman. For a man whose sole focus has been survival, she's more temptation than he can handle. But a world on the brink of destruction leaves no room for love…and time is running out.
“Mmm, you taste human. Like salt or more like … warm sunshine?” He pinned me with his gaze. His eyes spoke a primal language. Desire warred with anger; need against punishment.
I looked away. Embarrassed. Violated. His body crushed mine, suffocating in its nearness. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t even breathe without crushing my breasts against him. I always considered myself strong and physically fit, but he subdued me with barely any effort. Heart racing, I panicked.
The feeling of no control would break me—complete powerlessness always did. I used whatever weapon was available; whatever maneuvers would give me a fighting chance. This was no different. I turned my head, opened my mouth against his neck, and … sunk my teeth in.
He cursed. Grabbed hold of my shirt, picked me up, and slammed me back against the wall.
A painful whoosh came from my lungs. My vision rocked—brain swished inside my skull.
“You bit me.” He sounded shocked.
My head hurt so bad I had to blink hard to keep my eyes in their sockets. “You licked me,” I shouted back.
He assessed me, aqua blue eyes hooded with thick, long eyelashes, for what seemed like an eternity. “I will ask you one more time. Who are you?”
“I’ve told you everything.” My voice sounded desperate, tired, even to me. “I went running and fell into the dark … I’m a doctor at a hospital. If you don’t believe me, just call them. I’ve worked there for years.”
He stood still, his body hard against mine, creating an insurmountable barrier. His face so close I could see his pupils enlarge, almost hiding the hard blue of his irises. The rage in him lived and breathed. One hand ran along my scalp in a mock caress, grabbed hold of my hair and pulled.
“Liar,” his voice barely a whisper, the knife was back … shaking at my very exposed, very vulnerable artery. “There hasn’t been a hospital anywhere on Earth since the year 2075.” And in one efficient movement, he drew the knife across my throat.
Want More KC?
Visit her website here: www.kckleinbooks.com
Follow her on Twitter here: www.twitter.com/kckleinbooks
Pick up a copy of her book today! Click here.
Contest Time:
Leave a question or comment for KC and be entered to win an e-book copy of Dark Future.
**Winners for Book Boost prizes are drawn the first week of the following month and posted in the Recent Winners box in the right hand side of the blog. Check back to see if you are a winner and to claim your prize! Please leave your contact information in your blog post!**
Wow, what an exciting excerpt! How long does it take you to write a book?
debby236 at gmail dot com
Your book does have a dark, gritty feel to it and that is very compelling. I'm curious about the loose threads at the end even with the HEA. Writing long-hand is an interesting writing quirk. Whatever works for you and is most productive is a good thing.
Hi Debby, thanks for commenting. How long does it take me to write a book is a good question. With out a doubt I have gotten faster. DARK FUTURE took me awhile since it was my first book and I had to re-write it like three times. I wish I could say I can write a book in 6 mths, but I haven't done that yet. It is my goal though. :)
Na,thanks for commenting. I think the loose ends mainly leave the book open for a sequel, which I hope to be writing really soon.
Thanks again. Glad you left your email address for a chance to win.
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