Author Jenna-Lynne Duncan "dropped" by recently and here's what she had to say...
TBB: Jenna, where are you from?
JLD: I am from New Orleans but currently in Minnesota.
TBB: I love New Orleans and can't wait for my upcoming trip there this spring. How did you come up with the title for this book? Was it inspired by the events of Katrina?
JLD: Hurricane was the working title and it just fit perfectly. The title has a double entendre which refers to both the hurricane that hit New Orleans in 2005 and more importantly, the main character’s life.
TBB: What was your first reaction when you found out that you were going to be published?
JLD: To know that I would have to go back in time and pull myself out of the dream-like state I was in! It was all just so surreal and everything happened so fast.
TBB: As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
JLD: I really wanted to be a doctor and veterinarian. I love helping people and I love animals. Of course, in reality, to be able to become a doctor and a veterinarian I would have had to have gone to school for like fifteen consecutive years. But those dreams were killed when I took high school Anatomy. Let’s just say I don’t do well with blood and after dissecting a chicken wing, I am now a vegetarian!
TBB: I know what you mean--I'm a big fan of the veggies myself. But I think your readers will be glad you chose writing instead of medicine. What are you working on now?
JLD: I have almost completed the second novel in the series as well as another YA novel. Hurricane #2 (title not yet released) should be available sometime in 2012. In the meantime, I am planning on releasing short stories/novellas that my fans can read for free.
TBB: Fans love free stuff. Plus it is a great way to attract new readers who might not have had a chance to check out your work. What do you enjoy doing when you’re not writing?
JLD: I am spending time with my family, traveling, and reading.
TBB: I wish I had more time for traveling as well. To close up the questions, give us a quote about being a writer.
JLD: “Just write”. It’s simple yet good advice. Sometimes you can’t worry about plot, grammar or editing, you just have to sit and write it out. It is the literary version of Nike’s “Just do it” slogan!
TBB: I like it. Is there anything else you'd like to tell our readers?
JLD: Thank you so much for your interest and support in my new series, Hurricane. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to charity, Habitat for Humanity New Orleans. Being an author isn’t easy, but it is all worth it to know how many of you love Ana, Hayden, and Luke’s story. I love to hear from my readers and you may contact me through my website or email. Thanks again, y’all!
TBB: That sounds great. Thanks for joining us and please share a blurb and excerpt with us before you go!

Hurricane is a paranormal romance novel for young adults. It follows Adriana Alexander, a high school teen whose dreams predict the future. When her dream of two mysterious brothers attending her school comes true, she makes it her goal to figure out the brothers’ secret.
What she didn’t predict was that the brothers would kidnap her on the eve of Hurricane Katrina. The book chronicles the trio’s evacuation from New Orleans, complete with a touch of voodoo and a vengeful ghost, and Adriana’s eventual return to the devastated city she loves.
“When I woke, Hayden hovered over me. I was outside, lying on the hard gravel of an unpaved country road.
“What purpose does this serve?” Luke spit as he leaned against the front of the truck.
“Quiet. She just needs some fresh air.” Hayden was kneeling down beside me, his body so close I could feel the sweet heat of his breath as he spoke. I didn’t want to move, but I couldn’t ignore the reality of the situation. I was being kidnapped and heading deeper into the swamp, where it was likely my body would never be found. The alligators would eat my remains, and soon there would be nothing left of me. I could see the headlines in the fictional newspapers in my head. I didn’t hesitate to think out an escape plan. Before I knew it, I was on my bare feet taking off in the other direction. I didn’t think about the alligators that were likely in the water next to me. I just knew I had to get to the main road.
“She’s running away?” I heard Hayden say in a surprising tone.
“Go get her!” Luke yelled from behind me. “
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This paranormal story sounds intriguing :)
Sounds interesting. A lot of strange things happen around a hurricane. I'd like to see what happened with this one!
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