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chat with author Ruth J. Hartman
today at the Book Boost!
chat with author Ruth J. Hartman
today at the Book Boost!
Here's what she to say...
We’ve just had our first snow of the season. It’s gorgeous! The three inches of white fluff is covering building, yards,and pine trees. Our huge maple trees have a slick, shiny coating of ice that sparkles in the sunlight. And we’re warm and toasty inside.
Most people groan when it gets colder. And even though I love spring and fall, winter does have a positive side. I don’t even mind being snowed in, if there’s no place I have to go. My husband and I, and our two lazy cats, are quite content to hang out in our recliners with our books or watching movies.
I can’t think of anything much better than having Garry sitting near me. And one or both of our cats, Maxwell and Roxy, asleep on the comforter on my lap. The cats curl into warm, purring balls of fur. There’s a small table between our recliners. Plenty of room for drinks, snacks, books, and my kindle. Let’s face it. If I didn’t have to go to the bathroom every now and then, I could be there for hours!
Reading has always been a huge part of my life. And I loved writing in school. Even the dreaded term papers everyone else hated. I didn’t take writing seriously until three years ago, though. In my family, we were encouraged to find a vocation that was more “practical”. So, I’m one of four siblings in health care. I’m a dental hygienist. My sister is a nurse. And we have two brothers. One’s a dentist and one’s a doctor. I love what I do. Well, except for the days when I’m covered in spit and goo from a patient. But three years ago, I realized something was missing.
That something was writing.
And reading is a large part of that process. I didn’t believe that at first. I’d heard that from several writers. But I thought, how in the world can reading what someone else has written benefit my writing? But I found out, it does! It’s not that we writers are stealing ideas from reading what others have written. It’s more, giving your brain some down time from sitting in front of the computer, pounding away at the keys. And when I read, I get to use my imagination in a different way. As I read the words and paragraphs of another writer, I’m forming a picture in my mind of what they’re trying to convey.
Also, I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve been reading and my mind will hit on some idea that sparked off of a word or scene I’ve read. Again, not copying the writer. I mean, why would I want to do that? I want to use my words. My ideas. But sometimes, you need to get outside yourself. Get someone else’s perspective on something, to help your brain jumpstart back to your own creativity.
So yes, it is December. It is getting colder. But with Garry, our cats, and my books to keep me company, what’s not to like?
A Note from the Book Boost: Your version of "snowed in" sounds absolutely fabulous! Hope you're having a wonderful holiday season and thanks for joining us today at the Boost! Please tell us more about your latest...love the title.

Remmie Grin is a self-sufficient dentist who has her life right where she wants it. That is, until handsome, flirty Dr. Victor Barrett moves in next door. He constantly bugs her about selling her practice to him—but she's not budging. How can she convince him to leave her alone when all she really wants him to do is kiss her again?
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I usually enjoy the first snow fall or two, then I am tired of the stuff. I live on a hill and I love looking down the hill and it is all white.
debby236 at gmail dot com
Hi Debby,
It takes me longer to get tired of the white stuff, but I know what you mean. Last year we had so much snow and low temperatures that lasted a whole lot longer than it should have. Even I was sick of it by spring:)
Still no snow up here, Ruth, and my kids are getting desperate. I'm okay without though.
Now that I write, I find I read in whole new way. I analyze...how did the writer set this up? What words did they use? What worked well? What didn't? Writing has given me a whole new spin on reading.
I agree, Tess. Reading does make me analzye what I've read, now that I'm a writer, too. :)
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